Pacifica Committee Membership

WPFW Local Station Board Back to the Calendar  
Name Station
Irene Adams WPFW
Verna Avery Brown WPFW
Wayne Bruce WPFW
Michael Byfield WPFW
Ellen Williams Carter WPFW
Bill Curtis WPFW
Violetta Diamond WPFW
Vanessa Dixon-Briggs WPFW
Wanda Gnahoui WPFW
Sue Goodwin WPFW
Robert A. Gordon WPFW
Donna Grimes WPFW
Kamau Harris WPFW
Michael Hersh WPFW
Arthur Hyland WPFW
Andrew Kreig WPFW
Ambrose Lane Jr WPFW
Tony Leon WPFW
Mariah McClain WPFW
Patrick Morrison WPFW
Ron Pinchback WPFW
Minerva Sanders WPFW
Adele M Stan WPFW
Dennis Williams WPFW
Miyuki Williams WPFW




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