Both an LSB meeting(regular monthly meeting) and a Delegates assembly (for election of Directors to the PNB) will be
held this same day.
The meeting will be via Zoom teleconferencing. Here's the info:
Join the Zoom:
Opening Business
Announce officer election results
Seat newly
elected officers
Adjorn to assembly as delegates for the annual election of station representative
Reconvene after delegate assembly has adjourned
Reports will be heard from the iGM, Committees,
and Directors
Old Business
Public Comment Period*
*The KPFK Local Station Board chooses to schedule
a public comment period to hear from KPFK Listeners even though telephonic/zoom meetings are exempted from doing so
according to Article Six, Section 7 of The Pacifica Foundation Bylaws which states: "With the exception of
telephone meetings, all public meetings of the Board and its committees shall include public comment periods."
Community Event announcements from LSB Members.
New Business
Closing Statement from the LSB
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