1. Convene meeting 8:30 PM ET
2. Roll Call
3. Adopt Agenda
4. Chair's Announcements (2 minutes)
Minutes Approval (3 minutes)
6. interim CFO Report (10 minutes Report and Q&A)
7. Motion: The NFC recommends to
the PNB that it direct KPFK Management to conduct immediate emergency fundraising. (10 minutes)
8. Motion: The NFC
recommends to the PNB that it direct KPFK Management to immediately accept all voluntary layoffs, furloughs, reductions
in hours and other measures to save on payroll costs. (10 minutes)
9. Review Draft 2021 KPFK Budget (60
10. Budget Timelines for FY22 (5 minutes)
11. Adjourn no later than 10:15 PM ET