2021-04-06 KPFT Finance Committee Minutes

1. Call To Order - Roll Call [5 min]

Election Secretary Pro Tem & Chair Pro Tem [15 min]

3. Approval of Minutes for March Meeting of this Committee
[5 min]

4. KPFT Management to present report to include cash position, current monthly cash 'burn,' current
status of 419 Lovett rehabilitation status and costs, pending operations expenses apart from maintenance, funding for
March 2021 [15 min]
4A. Committee Q&A with Management [15 min]

5. Requested clarification on definition
and items inclusion for budget template that will be used to construct 2022 budget [20 min]

6. Timeline for
pro-forma budget draft for FY 2022. It would be advantageous to have this for our May meeting or before - this will
allow us to complete a working draft by Aug 1. [5 min]

7. New Business [10 min]

8. Public Comment [10

9. Establish next meeting date / time [2 min]

10. Adjourn

2021-04-06 KPFT Finance Committee
Draft Minutes
1. Meeting was called to order at 4:06pm CT. Present: Teresa Allen, David Baes (ex officio
non-voting), Adriana Casenave, Bill Crosier, Lynden Foley, Robert Gartner, DeWayne Lark, Marianne Martinez, Susie
Moreno, Vinisha Patel-Adams, Sandra Rawline, Nancy Saibara-Naritomi, Deb Shafto, Markisha Venzant-Sampson (ex officio
non-voting), Richard Uzzell, Rita Washington, Sandy Weinmann, Ted Weisgal, Vaniecia Williams; Absent: Paula Miller, Mike
Lewis, Egberto Willies. B Crosier requests excused absence for Wally James and Wendy Schroell. Passed without

2. Election Secretary Pro Tem & Chair Pro Tem
Adriana Casenave moved to continue with Chair Pro
Tem- S. Weinmann. Passed without objection;
R. Uzzell moved to take nominations for permanent Chair & Secretary to
be forwarded to T. Goodman for ballots & tabulations. Chair Weinmann asked to put this item under Item 7, New Business.
Passed without objection.

3. Approval of Minutes for March Meeting of this Committee: S. Rawline moved approval
of the Minutes. Chair Weinmann proposed approval of the March 9, 2021 minutes at our May meeting. Passed without

4. KPFT Management Report to include cash position, current monthly cash 'burn,' current status of
419 Lovett rehabilitation status and costs, pending operations expenses apart from maintenance, funding for March 2021:
Markisha Venzant-Sampson reported @ $101K cash on hand; avg. monthly expenses $56K, including Central Services; GM Baes
said that he is reviewing bids to repair/address heat/A/C, mold, water, flooring, electric, etc. expenses which are over
& above what is in the bank account.
4a. Q & A with management (KPFT Archive Tape 1 18:40 minutes):
*GM is
coordinating with former GM Duane Bradley on heating/AC;
*Several Cmte. members offered assistance and made
suggestions for repairs;
*It didn’t cost anything to change the KPFT Website- with GM, Development R. Lewis & O.
Maclay working on this;
*N. Saibara-Naritomi asked for promo telling people that deadline for membership is April 7,
2021, especially since we are having problems with our phone system;
*Contact form has been improved & the Pacifica
Bylaws referendum message is getting out there;
*KPFT is behind in Central Services payments.

5. Requested
clarification on definition and items inclusion for budget template that will be used to construct 2022 budget: (KPFTx
Archive Tape 1 at 39:50 minutes) M. Venzant-Sampson and GM David Baes: 5003-4 compared to 6771-2 (mailings), 5011
(website) (all money brought through mail-ins, or website is listed under Listener Support); 5020 (corporate match Oct.
2020-Feb 2021 was only $1700.30, “way under budget”); 5002, 5802 (no capital campaigns conducted or grants written);
6002 (vacation pay); 6200 (3 employees receiving health benefits); 6655 (only depreciation is transmitter); 6560
(interest charges apply to credit card fees);6570 bank charges, 6576 (fees we pay for taking credit cards); 6732, 6733 &
6712 apply to all third party mailings; 6504 Internet- 7 lines; 6520 association dues- only NFCB; 6631 copier lease,
postage meter and water cooler; 6780 Allegiance – software membership database; Explanations of Expenses and In-kind
Some discussion about credit card debt (M. Venzant-Sampson: we pay our credit card in full every
month), ZOOM (M. Venzant-Sampson will research)

6. (KPFTx Archive Tape 2, 18:20 minutes) GM D. Baes & BM M.
Venzant-Sampson will have timeline for pro-forma budget draft for FY 2022 available at the May KPFT Finance Cmte.

7. New Business: Richard Uzzell moved: “To take nominations for permanent Chair and Secretary, to be
tabulated in time for results announced at the May Finance Cmte. meeting. Passed without objection.
S. Moreno
nominates A. Casenave for Chair: Declined.; L. Foley nominates Sandy Weinmann: Accepted. No other nominations.
Saibara-Naritomi nominates A. Casenave for Secretary: Accepted.; R. Uzzell nominates T. Allen: Accepted.
D. Lark
Point of Order: said it is an impropriety for Treasurer to serve as Secretary. Chair asks D. Lark to research this with
the National Governance Cmte. (agreed) & the election of Secretary will be revisited at the May meeting.

Public Comment : none

9. Next meeting: Tuesday, May 4th at 4pm CT.

10. Meeting adjourned at 5:39pm

Respectfully submitted,
Teresa J. Allen
05-02-2021; approved 2021-05-04