WPFW Regular LSB Meeting
May 8, 2019
Southeast Library
403 7th St SE
Washington, D.C.
Sabooh Hakim – Chair
Ellen Williams Carter - Secretary
I. Call to order
Sabooh Hakim chair called
the meeting to order at 6:35 pm. Quorum was established at 6:40pm.
II. Roll call
13 - Members were present at roll
call: Maskeelah-Myrtle Washington, Ellen Williams Carter, Robert Simms, Eileen Rosin, Julie Hewitt, Louis Wolf, Nancy
Sorden, Ron Pinchback, Cliff Smith, Sabooh Hakim, Tony Leon, Benito Diaz, Martha Peterson, Craig Williams, Nick
2 - Excused Absences: Vicki McGill, Jim Brown
2 - Unexcused: Lona Alias, Gloria Turner
There was one
1 - Resigned: Robert Simms resigned from his 2018, elected two 3 year term. Actually, his term
ends this December 2019. He remains on the WPFW-LSB until December 2019.
The GM Jerry Paris spoke to the LSB by
The IPD Katea Stitt was absent.
Timekeeper: Robb Simms
Sergeant at Arms: John Tatum
Approval of Agenda
The Agenda was approved with Cliff Smith’s addition. The LSB unanimously approved a motion,
made by Tony Leon, to allow LSB Members to make comments immediately following the public Community Comment period.

IV. Approval of the Minutes
The March 13, 2019 and April 10, 2019 WPFW- LSB regular meeting minutes were
V. Management Reports
The General Manager, Jerry Paris stated the following:
We have raised $31,300
so far during the Spring Pledge Drive. American University was paid $25,000 from the grant that was received to cover
the cost of the transmitter construction. The rent has not been paid yet. Health Insurance and Central Services have not
been paid. Live@5 received a $1000. Pledge.
VI. Finance Report
The Treasurer, Nick Arena distributed a Financial
The bank balances were less than $5,000 as of April 30. The Spring Pledge Drive goal is $350,000. He said,
“IT IS CRITICAL THAT THIS GOAL Be ACHIEVED”. The General Manager is meeting with major donors with current pledges
of $27,500. LSB members should consider potential major donors and volunteering for the Spring Drive.
The budget
expenses through April 30, for the station are behind budget by over $109,000. Taking into account the past due Central
Services payments (5-6) and past due health insurance payments ($9,000) that have not been paid as well as $30,000 in
National Election costs that are in the budget, the budget deficit is over $225,000. The Station has not been asked to
make payments for the National Election to date. In addition, over $40,000 in transmitter expenses have been paid from
funds raised in FY2018. Additional Off-air fundraising activities/events are needed in June-July.
The Treasurer
asked Board Members if they could volunteer making calls to donors to help resolve the credit card batch problem. He
also asked if we knew of someone that would be willing to write grants for the station?
VII. Community
John Anthony- He wrote about ideas for fundraising.
Tony Norman- He said there should be a demand that the
LSB show return to the airwaves. He said that it is an important component. He suggested that we meet at the station. He
said we should let the local community know where we are meeting when meet at the libraries.
Joe Brown- He asked how
is Katea is doing after her hospitalization. He feels that the past chair Robb Simms owes Benito an apology.
Gramaldi – He stated that we need a WPFW-LSB show and that all Community Comment shows should be more like Ron
Pinchbacks and Don Williams, which include listener free speech call ins.
Thomas O’Rourke- He is concerned about
the programming of Afro- Pop on Monday. He wants to know where the programming going is.
VIII. PNB Report
He is concerned about election information that was deleted from the Pacifica website. Benito agreed to present
the LSB with his recommendations for how to resolve/prevent future election interference.
He stated that the CAB
needs to meet before June 4th.
Ron asked the LSB to ponder/analyze why this area doesn’t have enough people
interested in running for the LSB, as compared to the other 4 stations.
PNB Program Comm – Cliff stated that the
CAB must meet for Pacifica/WPFW to receive CPB funds.
Tony moved that the LSB Chair contact the CAB Chair to get an
update on their status. Motion passed unanimously.

IX. Program Committee
Donna Grimes -They want to
discuss their proposed Memorandum of Agreement describing a process of collaboration between management and the LSB on
developing and altering programming at WPFW. MOA was distributed to LSB for review. Motion to vote on it was postponed
until the June LSB meeting.
They submitted a motion as follows:
The Program committee recommends to the LSB that
it demand of management that it return the LSB Show to the airwaves immediately and without conditions.
Vote 11 in
favor 2 abstained
The motion was approved.
X. MASC Committee
Report was made during executive session
regarding personnel matters.
XI. Outreach and Development
The 5KWalk/Run will take place in September.
New Business
Tony Leon asked if the $200 raised for advertising can be used to purchase more post cards to
distribute. The vote was unanimous. Approved.
Craig Williams wants to dissolve the MASC committee and create a
committee of the whole. He submitted a motion. Vote: 2 Favor 10 Against 1 Abstention
The Motion was not
XIII. Adjourned Regular Meeting at 8:27pm
XIV. Executive Session Convened 8:32pm
Sabooh Hakim, Chair
adjourned the meeting at 8:57pm
Minutes submitted by: Ellen Williams Carter