WPFW Regular LSB Meeting
February 13, 2019
Southeast Library
403 7th St SE
Washington, D.C.
Robert Simms, Chair
Ellen Williams Carter Secretary
I. Call to order
Robert Simms chair called the
meeting to order at 6:35 pm. Quorum was established at 6:50pm.
II. Roll call
20 - Members were present at roll
call: Maskeelah-Myrtle Washington, Ellen Williams Carter, Donald Williams, Robert Simms, Nick Arena, Eileen Rosin, Julie
Hewitt, Martha Peterson, Gloria Turner, Louis Wolf, Nancy Sorden, Ron Pinchback, Cliff Smith, Sabooh Hakim, Eric Ramey,
Tony Leon, Vicki McGill, Campbell Johnson, Meredith Cordisco, Benito Diaz
2 - Excused Absences: Jim Brown, Sabooh
2 - Unexcused: Jay Winter Nightwolf, Lona Alias,
There was one resignations/removal.
1 - Resigned:
Christine Cotter in October
The GM Jerry Paris was present.
The IPD Katea Stitt was absent.
Julie Hewitt
Sergeant at Arms: Maskeelah-Myrtle Washington
III. Approval of Agenda
The Agenda was
IV. Approval of the Minutes
The January 9, 2018 WPFW LSB regular meeting minutes were reviewed and
V. Management Reports
The General Manager, Jerry Paris stated the following:
The Winter Pledge is 11%
towards the goal. The goal is $350,000. Phase one (1) of the transmitter project is completed. Phase two (2) will be
completed in March. Phase two (3) will be completed in June and July. The accounting firm NETA representing Pacifica
came to the station will assist WPFW. The NETA project is network wide focusing on WPFW and WBAI.
VI. Finance Report

The Treasurer, Nick Arena’s report stated the following:
Bank balance as of 2/11/19 was quite low at less than
$30,000 February tower rent and other key bills still need to be paid. Central Services payments are behind by 2-3
payments. December revenues were in excess of $100,000.
January Income and Expense reports were not available prior
to the Finance and LSB meetings. February Membership Drive is critical. All available LSB members should consider
volunteering. Julie Hewitt is assisting coordination of the LSB with the Staff. Off-air fundraising activities/events
are needed in February/March.
VII. Community Comment

John Tatum- National elections is head of
the game with the election
Website you can see if your information was sent out.
Online can vote
Ron said we
should put the info@wpfw.org.
Arthur McCloud – He stated programmers need to know how to watch the meters. He wants
volunteers to answer phones during the drive. He wants to talk to the IPD during community comment.
Joe Brown – He
wants WPFW to talk about William Blume on a one hour show about him.
John Tatum- He stated that the National
elections is ahead of the game with the election.
He stated that you can vote on line.
VIII. PNB Report
Sorden stated:
Program committee
1. The committee is still looking at the Disclaimer carts issue.
2. Finance committee has not met.
Executive Director
3. Q&A with ED went to CPB to see what we need
to do for compliance. The audits are being done.
4. Audience numbers are low for the network. CPB needs certain
number of listeners ED think we can get CPB.
Tony Leon
The cost of NETA has gone up from what was paid the CFO. It
was $270,000 it is now $300,000.
Benito Diaz
The PNB voted to accept the employee handbook.
The deadline to
request a ballot for the National election is February 18.
Eric Ramsey stated:
The National Programming Committee
member Eric stated that the ED wants to make changes in the programming.
IX. Program Committee
Donna Grimes
The Programming Committee did not meet in February, offered this update.
They previously reported on
draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is ready for LSB review. A copy of the Programming Resolution (i.e., the parent
document) together with the MOU (proposed details for implementing the resolution) was emailed to the LSB Secretary for
distribution to the members. We ask that LSB members read the MOU and note any questions or objections. Furthermore,
we ask that this item be discussed during the March LSB meeting.
They asked to review results of the online community
survey which evolved from the Town Hall committee, anticipating that this would give insight into the preferences of the
community. After some delay, initial refusal and then a conditioned response, Robb provided the survey results. They
are concerned and do not understand they reactions to our reasonable request.
X. MASC Committee
XI. Outreach and Development
It was decided that WPFW will have a Town Hall Meeting in March. Maskeelah
stated that the ED Maxie Jackson will attend it.
XII. New Business
Executive session
XIII. Adjourned Regular
Meeting at 8:19pm
Reconvened for the Executive Session 8:22pm
Robert Simms, Chair adjourned the meeting at
Minutes submitted by: Ellen Williams Carter