WPFW Regular LSB Meeting
November 9, 2016
1990 K Street N.W. Washington, D.C.
Olayimika Cole,
Ellen Williams Carter Secretary
I. Call to order
At 6:43 pm a quorum was established. Olayimika Cole,
Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:43 pm.
II. Roll call
13 members were present at roll call: Tony Norman,
Eric Ramey, Maskeelah-Myrtle Washington, Ron Pinchback, Ellen Williams Carter, Louis Wolf, Donald Williams, Eileen
Rosin, and, Olayimika Cole, Nick Arena (non-voting), Martha Peterson, Campbell Johnson, Meredith Cordisco, Sabooh
7 members Late: Lona Alias, Vickie Mc Gill, Arthur McCloud, Tony Leon, Nancy Sorden, Gloria Turner, Cliff
3.Excused absences: Jim Brown, JW Nightwolf, Christine Cotter
1.Unexcused absences: Marion Douglas-Ungaro
(The board decided not to address the absences since her term ends in December.)
The GM Jerry Paris was
The IPD Katea Stitt was absent.
Parliamentarian: John Tatum
Timekeeper: Meredith Cordisco
-at-Arms: Arthur McCloud
III. Approval of Agenda
Agenda Approved
Agenda amended: There was no objection
Approval of the minutes
Nancy Sorden requested that the minutes not be approved until some information was clarified.

V. Management Reports Jerry Paris
The General Manager stated the following:
The union representatives were
here today. November 16, 2016, is the date for a union response for the union employees. Nick Arena and Tony Norman will
meet with the General Manager during negotiations with Bernstein (landlord). We are trying the negotiate relief on the
rent. The Business manager has been out sick. We are making installment payments to the election supervisor. Reverend
Brian Hamilton expressed an interest in sharing their new space with WPFW. Pledge Drive show performance reports were
handed out. We would like to plan a thank you reception for the programmers.
Reception for programmer’s task force:
Sabooh Hakim, Martha Peterson, Campbell Johnson, Lona Alias
Lou Wolf: Last week you mentioned you were
getting major funding from Prince Georges’ County.
GM response: I need to set up a meeting.
Norman: The pledge drive only raised 50% of the goal. We need to make changes on the program grid.
Arthur McCloud:
Listeners said they have not received reminders.
GM response: The fundraising task force could help send out the
reminders to the listeners.
Cliff Smith: We need to let listeners know that we are existing pay check to pay check.

Eric Ramey: An individual gained access to the station to present a letter of no confidence in Management. The
discussion was postponed until later in the meeting.
VI. PNB Reports
Ron Pinchback
The IED has reservations
about CRESA. She is meeting with the coordinating committee to vet the CRESA contract.
Nancy Sorden
She said
that the coordinating committee handles major contracts.
I move that the board receive a copy of the Cresa
contract with the edit.
No Objection
Tony Norman stated that the contract does not involve money.
Community Comment
Starr Bowie:
She addressed the statement made by Eric Ramey. She explained that she was
exercising her rights.
Jim (community member):
He liked the live broadcast of election results. He would like to
see more programming like that.
Benito Diaz:
He wants us to vote on each proposed bylaw amendment.
He wants to thank the LSB for their help with the U Street Jam.
He submitted a
document, “Proposed” standing Rules for Committee Meetings.
Recess 8:35 Regular meeting
Reconvened 8:37- meeting
with Assembly of Delegates for vote on Proposed Bylaw Amendments
The WPFW delegate assembly is comprised of the 21 members as listed above. The regular
meeting was called to order at 6:43pm with 13 members present as listed above. The regular meeting recessed at 9:11pm
for WPFW assembly of delegates and reconvened at 9:13pm. At that time, two proposed Bylaw Amendments were discussed and
approved as follows:

Proposed Bylaw Amendments For: Yes Against: No Abstentions
1. Article
Four,Delegates,Section3: Election of Delegates 11 5 4
2. Article Seven, Local Station Boards, Section 3: Specific
Powers and Duties 16 1 3

The regular meeting reconvened at 9:25pm.
IX. Town Hall
Lona Alias Motion
move that we have our next Town Hall Meeting in January.
For 12
Against 2
Abstention 6
Relocation Committee
The committee has not met. Campbell Johnson will convene a meeting.
The Chair stated that she
would arrange a conference call with the IED & Relocation Committee to determine what is holding up the CRESA contract
XI. MASC Committee
The committee has not met.
XII. Programming Committee
A motion was made by Eric
Ramey concerning the letter of No Confidence in Management that was delivered to management.
I move that the LSB
serve the individual a cease and desist letter.
For 1
Against 11
Abstention 1
XIII. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn: There was no objection.
Olayimika Cole adjourned the regular meeting at 10:15pm
adjourned at 10:15pm
Minutes submitted by: Ellen Williams Carter Secretary of the LSB