Annual KPFT Local Station Board Meeting Draft Agenda
Date & Time: Wednesday, December 14, 2016, 7-10
Location: The Montrose Center, 401 Branard St., Houston TX 77006

I. Call to Order and other Opening
a. Roll Call/ Establish Quorum/at-Acknowledge New Members and Excused Absences

[Insert names of

b. Introduction of new members per certified election results and second roll

c. Nomination and election of Chair Pro Tem and Secretary Pro Tem

d. Approval of

e. Minutes Approval for Prior Meeting

II. NEW BUSINESS - Election of Officers

PROCESS: For each office there will be nomination. LSB members can nominate fellow member or a
volunteer (where allowed)
Each Candidate will be allowed up to 2 minutes for an opening statement:
Period - 2 rounds of questions (aka go around the room twice) each LSB member allowed 1 question total; candidate
response to one minute.
Pre-printed ballots handed out. Vote taken using Instant Runoff Voting (IRV)
In case of
uncontested candidate-2 minute statement by candidate. No question period. Ratified by


A. Establishment of required standing committees and designation of
convenor, and if possible, logistics of first committee meeting.

a. Budget and Finance
b. Committee of

B. Establishment of other standing committees and designation of convenor, and, if possible, logistics
of first committee meeting. Examples of possible committees may include but are not limited to:

a. Anti-Racism
and Diversity
b. Development
c. Facilities Management/Planning
d. Governance
e. Management Selection and
f. Outreach
g. Programming
h. Technology

IV. Public Commentary: time fixed at 8 pm (30

V. GM Report

VI. Next Delegate meeting to elect PNB Directors – confirm date (tentatively
Wed. Jan. 11, 2017)

VII. Meeting Adjournment