KPFK Finance Committee Meeting
1. Ronda Dixon was selected as FC Chair pro tem.
2. Jonathan and Ali gave an informal report of their visit to WBAI.
3. The FC reviewed the May reports.
1. Three staff have left: Aura Bogado, Jerry Quickly, Armando Gudino. The PD
team replacing Gudino pro tem consists of Sean Heitkemper, Jennifer Kiser,
Maggie Lapique, Christine Blosdale, and Alan Minsky.
2. Now all the 5:00 pm hosts are volunteers.
4. Air Conditioning:
1. Several air conditioning roof units are failing and may need replacement
soon. Ducts need redesigning to balance the cooling throughout the
building. Considerable expense will come in the next few months. With
this in mind, two motions were passed.
2. Motion: Whereas, the FC has learned that major expenses will be
forthcoming to fix air conditioning problems, the FC resolves that KPFK
prepare a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the solarization of KPFK's
electrical power, including various governmental rebates, subsidies, etc.
3. Motion: Whereas the FC has learned that major expenses will be forthcoming
to fix air conditioning problems, the FC resolved that KPFK prepare an RFP
for a heat-pump-based air-conditioning system (for example, the Robur-
type), including a cost-benefit analysis relative to fixing the current
Freon-based AC system. The ROI should include multiple year scenarios;
which year is break-even.
These notes were prepared by John Wenger, FC notetaker pro tem.