WPFW Regular LSB Meeting
June 22, 2016
1990 K Street N.W. Washington, D.C.
Olayimika Cole, Chair

Ellen Williams Carter Secretary
I. Call to order
At 6:54pm a quorum was established. Olayimika Cole, Chair
called the meeting to order at 6:54 pm.
II. Roll call
12 members were present at roll call: Tony Norman, Eric
Ramey, Maskeelah-Myrtle Washington, Ron Pinchback, Sabooh Hikim, Ellen Williams Carter, Martha Peterson, Olayimika Cole,
Marion Douglas-Ungaro, Arthur McCloud, Louis Wolf, and Tony Leon
5. Late: Campbell Johnson, Jim Brown, Vickie Mc
Gill, Nancy Sorden, Donald Williams
3. Absent: Lona Alias, JW Nightwolf, Gloria Turner
4. Al Clark, Robin
Hernandez, Michael Washington, and Ermias Wosenu resigned from the board.
The GM Jerry Paris was present.
Katea Stitt was absent.
Appointed Timekeeper: Martha Peterson
Sergeant - at - Arms: Arthur McCloud
Approval of Agenda
Agenda approved
Motion: Presented by Maskeelah-Myrtle Washington
Motion: I move that the
LSB engage John Tatum as the parliamentarian for the LSB meetings.
Friendly Amendment: Board members will
contribute what they can at each meeting for John Tatum the parliamentarian.
No Objections
IV. Approval of the
May 11, 2016 Minutes were approved.
V. Election LSB Listener Representatives and
1. These candidates submitted emails indicating their interest in joining the LSB to fill
temporary positions prior to the deadline.
Cliff Smith
2. These candidates indicated interest in joining the board at the LSB meeting but did not meet the deadline
for submitting their interest in joining the LSB to fill temporary positions.
Ron Tunstall

William Taft
3. These candidates submitted an email indicating their interest in joining the LSB to
fill temporary positions. In addition, they submitted a statement and resume; however, they didn’t attend the
Jayne Cubbage
Nick Arena

Tony Norman
I move that we fill two seats where we had resignations advertised. Then wait 30 days to fill the seats
for the resignations during this meeting.
No objections
New LSB members are:
Cliff Smith

Eileen Rosin
Motion: Nancy Sorden
Motion: I move that we wait to elect the treasurer at the July
meeting. Eileen Rosin will continue as pro tem treasurer.
Vote regarding the motion:
9 For
4 Against
Eileen Rosin will continue as Pro Tem Treasurer
VI. Community Comment
Cliff Smith
• He is
concerned that the candidates without statements could not be considered but individuals not present were considered for
the LSB.
William Taft
• He is interested in fundraising and wants to submit his CD that is a US anthem.
• She thinks that the recent special programming at WPFW was great.
• She is concerned about the two
different membership fee levels on the WPFW website.
• She asked about the Town Hall meeting that was scheduled but
did not occur.
• He wants to hear public affairs programming on Saturday and Sunday.
• He stated
that he has supported WPFW for 20 years.
Ron Tunstall
• He has access to some reel to reel tapes of former
programmers: such as, Dorothy Healy and Ambrose Lane
• He is concerned about the reconstitution of the
programming committee.
Thomas O’Rourke
• He feels that the reconstitution of the program committee is
VII. Fundraising Report/Outreach committee/ Fundraising no written report was submitted
The following are
fundraising activities:
• The Blues Festival will take place in August.
• The U Street Jam will take place in
November 2016.
• Sabooh Hikim raised $300. For WPFW by selling dinners.
• LSB members raised funds for the
station through a LSB challenge: The winners were Donald Williams and Martha Peterson.
• Largest line dance is
another fundraiser. The LSB members are looking for a place to present it. It is tentatively scheduled for September
• On October 1, 2016 a marathon/run is scheduled.
• Survival techniques maybe a possible fundraiser.
• A
fundraiser is scheduled to take place at “Everlasting Life” on July 2 as a tribute to Sun Ra.
• A silent auction is
proposed. The fee for the online auction is $249.
• July 11, 2016 a fundraiser will take place at Bethesda Blues and
Jazz as a tribute to Omrao Brown.
VIII. Management Reports Jerry Paris no report was submitted
• He stated that
this is the very productive board.
• The Pledge Drive raised $212,000. so far.
• The Nikki Giovanni event raised
• The Amy Goodman event raised $2,565.
• There was a credit card server problem but it has been
• The stations finances are in the red.
• The GM was unable to pay employee health insurance and the
rent. He was able to resolve situation.
• Grants are being targeted.
• On June 17 during the severe thunderstorm,
the antenna was knocked off the air for a minute. There is another problem with the antenna that has to be
• There was a service failure of the MemSys (membership system) server so the station can’t back up all of
the data.
Tony Norman asked about the equipment bulk sale deal.
The GM said that he will try to
sell the materials on Ebay piece by piece.
Louis Wolf asked how Pacifica got access to the restricted account.
Pinchback asked if we have a Business Manager.
Nancy Sorden asked whether we are still renting out our space.
GM stated that Rock Newman has not provided the camera equipment for production use in the space.
Jim Brown asked who
monitors in- kind contributions.
Tony Leon asked could the program committee monitor the listener’s response.
Finance Committee no written report was submitted
Main Motion: Eileen Rosin
I move that the LSB recommend to
management a salary cut.
Amendment to resolution: The LSB resolved, that management look at other cost cutting
measure of similar weight and impact.
Vote for this Motion:
14 - For
2 – Against
1 - Abstention
Nancy Sorden
Motion: I move to postpone the discussion of salaries until the next meeting.
5 For Postponing

10 Against
3 abstention
Motion: Maskeelah-Myrtle Washington
Motion: I move to adjourn the meeting
Vote for the motion:
11 for
1 against
1 abstention
X. Adjournment
Olayimika Cole adjourned the
regular meeting at 10:51pm
Meeting adjourned at 10:51pm
Minutes submitted by: Ellen Williams Carter Secretary of
the LSB