Pacifica National Finance Committee Meeting
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Meeting called to order at 8:40 PM EST by LaVarn Williams, Committee Chair
1) Roll Call and approval of agenda
Present: Adelson, Bediako, Edwards-Tieckert, Gatewood, Goodman, Hicks,
Hefley, Williams
Absent: Sandborn, Allen, Lane
2) Minutes from December 7 and December 11, 2006 postponed until next regular
3) Next Meeting - Thursday, January 18, 2006 8 pm
4) Finance Committee Motions and Issues
a) Adelson moves that the Bank of New York Corporate resolution be modified
as follows: Section 4 be changed to require 2 signatures (both the CFO and
ED) and that time restriction on authorization be removed. APPROVED
FUTURE ACTION ITEM - Williams asks that signature authorizations for each
station be documented and relevant/related policies be documented
b) After an initial motion by Hicks and various amendments, Gatewood moves
that the finance committee recommends that, in addition to existing
provisions for contract review and approval, that the Coordinating
Committee review all proposed legal settlements, in consultation with the
general council and others as deemed necessary.
Approved without objection.
A second related motion by Adelson, that the PNB approve all legal
settlements, was postponed for consideration at the Jan 18th meeting.
NOTE - the following additional items in Hick's original motion were not
resolved: that that the NFC should prepare (a) a summary of already
adopted motions related to legal expense and procedures; and (b) monthly
report on legal expenses (showing trends).
(c) Archive Restoration amendment - Williams reported on status
5) CFO Report - Hicks reviewed draft 2006 audit report
Detailed review of Oct-Nov Income Statement deferred for next meeting
ACTION ITEM FOR NEXT MEETING - Hicks indicates there is a need for (1)
motion related to March finance meeting / orientation for new members;
(2) NFC goals for the coming year
[Bediako suggests possible item - revise chart of account to functional
6) Meeting adjourned 11:09 pm