KPFK Local Station Board Governance Committee

Draft Meeting Minutes of September 14, 2015

The regular, monthly meeting of the KPFK LSB Governance Committee was held on
Monday, September 14, 2015, 7:46 PM at the Aris and Carolyn Anagnos Peace
Center, 3916 Sepulveda Blvd., Culver City, CA 90230. Lawrence Reyes was elected
and served as Chair. John P. Garry III served as Acting Secretary.

Seven members were present, constituting a quorum: Lydia Brazon (LSB),
Bella De Soto, Israel Feuer, John P. Garry III, Michael Novick (LSB, arrived
8:00), Lawrence Reyes (LSB, arrived 8:00), John Wenger.

Two members were absent: Tej Grewall (LSB Chair), Brenda Medina.

Authority and Notice: The time and location of this meeting was established
based on past practice of the Governance Committee and was noticed at the
August 19, 2015 LSB Meeting. The meeting date was posted on the
Meeting Calendar on August 18, 2015 and on the Events Calendar on
August 20, 2015. Automatic e-mail reminders from were sent to
committee members on September 7, September 12, and the day of the meeting.

The meeting was called to order by the out-going Chair (Wenger) at 7:46 PM with
a quorum of five.


None submitted.


Unexcused Absences for Chipasha Luchembe and Lamont Yeakey (Garry)
Chris Condon Motions (Garry)
Election of Chair (Reyes)
Motion to Censure Chris Condon (De Soto)
Motion to Censure Kim Kaufman (De Soto)
Elections Update/LES (Brazon)
LSB Agenda (time certain 8:30)
Adjournment 9:00


Garry introduced the topic of the consecutive excused absences of Chipasha
Luchembe and Lamont Yeakey. The Secretary (Garry) committed to e-mail both
members and inform them of their respective situations.


Garry introduced the topic. Discussion followed.

Garry moved that the four motions from Condon shall not be included in the 9-20-
2015 Proposed LSB Agenda. Passed without objection (8:09).


Running unopposed, Lawrence Reyes was elected Chair by acclamation.


De Soto moved to censure LSB member Chris Condon. After discussion the motion
to censure was withdrawn by the maker without objection.


De Soto moved to censure LSB member Kim Kaufman. Discussion followed.

Brazon moved to amend: The motion shall be consistent with Robert's Rules of
Amendment passed by a show of hands: Yes-7, No-0, Abstain-1.

Amended Main Motion:

Kim Kaufman shall be censured for violating her oath of loyalty to KPFK and the
Pacifica Foundation by holding a sign during a Labor Day event at the KPFK
Outreach Booth, which caused potential harm to KPFK. This censure process shall
be consistent with Robert's Rules of Order.

Motion passed by a show of hands: Yes-3, No-2, Abstain-2.

Brazon moved to reconsider the previous vote.
Motion to reconsider passed by a show of hands: Yes-6, No--0, Abstain-0.

Brazon moved to table the motion to censure Kim Kaufman.
Motion tabled by a show of hands: Yes--5, No-1, Abstain-1.


Brazon reported. Discussion followed. It was agreed that the LES should be
invited to report at all LSB Meetings. The Secretary committed to inviting the


The proposed agenda for the September 20, 2015 LSB meeting was discussed and
approved by the committee.

Meeting adjourned without objection at 9:13 PM.

Respectfully submitted by John P. Garry III, Acting Secretary
(these minutes have not been approved)

Appendix-Motions submitted by LSB Member Chris Condon

Motions from Chris Condon
KPFK Assembly of Delegates 11/21/09
In the matter of Reza Pour:

1. This matter is continued from the closed meeting of the KPFK LSB of
September 2009 when we were obliged to vacate the meeting hall before
concluding our business; and further continued from a scheduled closed meeting
of October 2009 when members Pour, Radford, Larkins, prospective member Reyes,
and organized by suspended member Johnston, boycotted the LSB meeting
preventing quorum; and further continued from a scheduled closed meeting of
November 2009 due to disruption by prospective member Reyes preventing the
meeting from proceeding in coordination with a boycott by members Pour,
Radford, Larkins, and Gluck seeking to prevent quorum.

2. This matter was brought to the attention of the KPFK LSB, and Delegate
Assembly, due to member Pour's legal actions seeking criminal prosecution
against an acting chair for seeking to maintain parliamentary order in the face
of disruption by members Pour, Johnston and others at the July meeting of the
LSB; and Member Pour's seeking a restraining order against member Condon based
on fabricated allegations.

3. That such actions constitute; perjury, malicious prosecution, abuse of
process, and harassment. Further, that such actions were taken as a part of an
organized factional vendetta to "get Condon," involving members Pour, Johnston,
Larkins, Radford and Gluck. Further that this organized factional vendetta at
KPKF is part of an attack on the Pacifica Foundation, and its former iED, by
JUC and JUC allies, network wide.

4. That the Pacifica Foundation has the unequivocal and absolute responsibility
for protecting its volunteer members of governance from this kind of conduct,
responsibility which will be discharged by the proposed measures, and bears
potential liability for the conduct of these members, in part due to its
failure to act in the past in the face of a highly visible pattern and practice
of conduct.


If by 2/3 vote: That Reza Pour be permanently removed as an KPFK LSB member
and Delegate.

If by majority vote: That Reza Pour be suspended from all votes, confidential
matters, and privileges of office accorded to Delegates of the Pacifica
Foundation and members of the KPFK Local Station Board, and that he is removed
from all elected LSB and PNB committees, and any other governance positions he
may hold within KPFK and the Pacifica Foundation as privilege of his election
as a Pacifica delegate for a period of six months, for actions adverse to the
best interests of the Pacifica Foundation.

KPFK Assembly of Delegates 11/21/09

In the matter of Ian Johnston:

1. This matter has been continued from the closed meeting of the KPFK LSB of
September 2009 where member Johnston was suspended for three months for
"conduct unbecoming an LSB member."

2. KPFK LSB Parlimentarian Goodman has suggested in a disputed ruling that the
LSB lacks the authority to discipline members, or some such, despite a clear
procedure outlined in RRO, and has asserted that such can only be undertaken by
an Assembly of Delegates.

Change of Circumstances:

Suspended member Johnston has not complied with the terms of suspension by;
attending one or more Programming Oversight Committee meetings (Chair, Gluck)
as if he were a member in good standing, by abusive and frequent postings on
LSB only lists as if he were a member in good standing, and most important by
organizing the factional boycott of the October LSB meeting, preventing the
body from obtaining quorum, obliging the newly seated LSB to deal with these
matters now, at the expense of the business of the body, in suspense since
Johnston's actions in August.

Motion No. 1

That this Assembly of Delegates confirm or modify the prior disciplinary
actions taken by the KPFK LSB.

Motion No. 2 (modification)

If by 2/3 vote: That Ian Johnston be permanently removed as an KPFK LSB member
and Delegate.

If by majority vote: That Ian Johnston be further suspended from all votes,
confidential matters, and privileges of office accorded to Delegates of the
Pacifica Foundation and members of the KPFK Local Station Board, and that he is
removed from all elected LSB and PNB committees, and any other governance
positions he may hold within KPFK and the Pacifica Foundation as privilege of
his election as a Pacifica delegate for a period of six months, for actions
adverse to the best interests of the Pacifica Foundation, and that such further
suspension commence at the conclusion of the current suspension.

KPFK Assembly of Delegates 11/21/09

In the matter of Leslie Radford:

1. That member Radford did participate in the planning and execution of
disruption of the PNB meeting held in New York City in August, 2009, including
the after the fact rationalization and justification of the disruption.

2. That member Radford did participate in the planning and execution of
disruption of the just prior KPFK LSB meeting in July, 2009.

3. That member Radford participated in the planning and execution of the series
of police reports and legal actions against Condon and willfully engaged in and
in perjury, malicious prosecution, abuse of process, and harassment as part of
an organized factional vendetta involving members Pour, Johnston, Larkins,
Radford and Gluck. Further that this organized factional vendetta at KPFK is
part of an attack on the foundation, and its former iED Grace Aaron, by JUC and
JUC allies, network wide.

4. That the Pacifica Foundation has the unequivocal and absolute responsibility
for protecting its volunteer members of governance from this kind of conduct,
responsibility which will be discharged by the proposed measures, and bears
potential liability for the conduct of these members, in part due to its
failure to act in the past in the face of a highly visible pattern and practice
of conduct.


If by 2/3 vote: That Leslie Radford be permanently removed as an LSB member and

If by majority vote: That Leslie Radford be suspended from all votes,
confidential matters, and privileges of office accorded to Delegates of the
Pacifica Foundation and members of the KPFK Local Station Board, and that he is
removed from all elected LSB and PNB committees, and any other governance
positions she may hold within KPFK and the Pacifica Foundation as privilege of
her election as a Pacifica delegate for a period of not less than six months,
for actions adverse to the best interests of the Pacifica Foundation.

KPFK Local Station Board Motion on 911 Programming and Mission Compliance
Motion from the Programming Oversight Committee (as amended on the motions of
Radford, Gluck, and White): 911 Programming and Mission Compliance passed
February 9, 2008.

Whereas: Except during fund drives, Public Affairs Programming on KPFK has
appeared to overwhelmingly accept the Official Story of 911, arguing from its
assumptions, asserting the theory assigning culpability for these tragic
attacks to Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaida without question.

Whereas: The Official Story of 911 is found by many KPFK listeners to be a
propaganda fabrication designed to provide a pretext for the unleashing of
aggressive war in Afghanistan and Iraq, while hiding the activity of a private,
extra-legal, and anti-constitutional network of officials in the United States
government, high ranking military officers, and individuals within private
corporations and political institutions, who actively prepared, promoted,
organized, assisted, fomented, and/or passively enabled the September 11
attacks and the cover-up that followed.

Whereas: KPFK listener/sponsors have made repeated and long standing
accusations of censorship of 911 Truth issues by programmers who have advanced
the official propaganda fabrication, and against staff, management, and
governance who support them. This has created an atmosphere of corrosive
distrust, profoundly harmful to the process of building a creative multi-ethnic
mix working together in a democratic and collaborative environment. Many
hundreds of former listener/sponsors, or more, have left KPFK over this issue.
Be it Resolved Therefore:

1. That this conflict is not in the interest of KPFK, the Pacifica Network,
programmers, staff, or governance. Management, staff, and programmers are
urged to explore ways of providing redress for these grievances of 911 Truth
and allegations of censorship, and to initiate outreach strategies to reach
those former listener/sponsors whom this conflict has alienated.
2. Programming which consistently and unquestioningly advances the "official
story" of 911 is not consistent with the Pacifica Mission and may be a breach
of both the letter and spirit of the Mission.

Be it Further Resolved:
3. It is the view of the LSB that KPFK is an appropriate and important media
for thorough examination of all sides of the 911 controversy and encourage
"good radio" coverage by exploring comprehensively the many aspects of 911 with
on-air voices expressing all sides.

Motion passed by a roll call vote. Ayes: 9 (Alexander, Anguiano, Gluck,
Johnston, Larkins, Pour, Radford, Weatherwax, White) Nays: 1 (Feuer)
Abstentions: 3 (Aaron, O'Brien, VanAken