KPFK Local Station Board Governance Committee
Draft Meeting Minutes of Monday February 17, 2014
The regular, monthly meeting of the KPFK LSB Governance Committee was held on
Monday, February 17 2014, 7:49 PM at The Peace Center, 3916 Sepulveda
Blvd., Culver City, CA 90230. John Wenger served as Chair. John P. Garry III
served as Acting Secretary.
Six members were present, constituting a quorum: Lydia Brazon, Israel Feuer,
John P. Garry III, Brenda Medina (LSB Vice-Chair left 9:00), Lawrence Reyes,
John Wenger (7:54).
One member was excused: Tej Grewall (LSB Chair).
No members were absent.
Also present: Michael Novick (LSB Treasurer), Bella DeSoto (8:01).
Authority and Notice: The time and location of this meeting was authorized by
the Governance Committee at its meeting of XXX, 2014. The meeting date was
posted on on XXX, 2014. Additional information was posted on XXX (see
Appendix A).
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peacecenterwest peace3916
Clean Money cmbruins
Conlin Wireless lililili
The meeting was called to order by the Medina at 7:49 PM.
Motion from Novick on Development
LSB 2014 Calendar
Disputed Meeting (November 20, 2013)
LSB Agenda
Announcing Committees
CAB / CPB Funding
Governance Committee Membership
Town Hall Task Force
The excused absence request of Grewall was accepted without objection.
The next Governance Meeting will be Monday, March 10, 2014, 7:00 PM
Chair took the gavel at 8:00.
Moved that the LSB create a special Development Committee, seeking
participation from volunteers with development expertise. The Committee shall
coordinate its efforts with station management. The Development Committee will
assist in designing and implementing a campaign for greater off-air fundraising
for the station, with the goal of reducing the number of days spent in on-air
fundraising by at least a week a year beginning in FY2015. This will include a
sustaining membership campaign, a major donor campaign, grant-writing efforts
for specific station activities, such as training, an investigation of
appropriate and remunerative community events, a crowd-funding strategy, and a
concerted effort to obtain bequests and the inclusion of KPFK in listeners'
wills. The committee will make recommendations on a capital campaign for
physical and technical improvements (for making the building physically
accessible, securing the parking lot and monetizing its use, upgrading and
restoring facilities, etc.). It will promote "directed giving" for specific
projects and productions (e.g, the news department, interns and training
program; donation cups for each individual show on the web-site or some variant
there-of; etc.) The Development Committee will also investigate and try to
adapt and recommend the adoption of the best practices of other Pacifica
stations in this regard.
Passed without objection.
LSB 2014 CALENDAR (8:21)
Novick initiated a discussion of the scheduling of LSB meetings. The issue will
be addressed at the LSB Meeting
Novick moved to hold the next LSB Meeting on Sunday, March 16. PWO
DISPUTED MEETING (November 20, 2013) (8:30)
Garry moved: The Secretary shall correct the LSB and Delegates meetings of
November to reflect the lack of quorum. These minutes shall be resubmitted for
approval solely as minutes of attendance and scheduling.
There was a discussion of Committee memebership
Meeting adjourned at 9:36 PM.
Respectfully submitted by John P. Garry III, Acting Secretary
(these minutes have not been approved)