2013-11-18 PNB Personnel Cmte. Minutes (Open Session)

Draft Agenda

I.Call to order

II. Approve agenda

III. Staff Handbooks: Tracy Rosenberg

IV. Selection of Pacifica Counsel

V. Adjourn

2013-11-18 PNB Personnel Cmte. Minutes (Open Session)

I.Meeting was called to order at 8:40pm EST. Present; Teresa Allen, Janet
Coleman, John Cromshow, Janis Lane-Ewart, Tracy Rosenberg; Excused: Luzette

II. Approve agenda: T Allen moved to put approval of 2013-09-09 minutes on the
agenda. No objection. Agenda approved without objection.

III. Employee Handbooks: Tracy Rosenberg. Janis Lane-Ewart moved to approve
sending the Employee Handbook to the PNB for approval and review by HR before
implementation. Passed without objection.

IV. T Allen moved to postpone approval of 2013-09-09 minutes until our next
meeting. Passed without objection.

V. Selection of Pacifica Counsel: J Cromshow moved that there be an
understanding that Janet Coleman and John Cromshow will work as a team and
create an RFP, and report back to the Personnel Cmte.at next month's meeting.
No objection.

VI. T Allen moved to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:14pm EST.

Respectfully submitted,

Teresa J. Allen, Secretary

2013-11-18; approved 2013-12-16