2013-07-22 PNB Personnel Cmte. Minutes
Draft Agenda
I.Call to order/roll call
II. Approve agenda
III. ED Search
A. Survey Monkey Update: Janis Lane-Ewart
B. Video conferencing: Tracy Rosenberg
IV. PD Search Motion- to be presented to PNB
V. New business: Search questions
VI. Next scheduled meeting: 8-12-13
VII. Action items
VIII. Adjourn

2013-07-22 PNB Personnel Cmte. Minutes
I.The meeting was called to order at 8:47pm EST.
Present: Teresa Allen, Janet Coleman, John Cromshow, Janis Lane-Ewart, Luzette
King, Tracy Rosenberg
II. The agenda was approved without objection.
III. ED Search
A. Survey Monkey Update: Janis Lane-Ewart- Only 3 surveys have been
submitted. Going over 60+ applications requires more time. Deadline for
submitting selections to Survey is now 8-5-13. No objection.
Once we have the 10 original applicants, we will share questions within
the committee with each Cmte. member able to add and remove through
Google.docs. J Lane-Ewart will assist Cmte. members if needed.
B. Video conferencing- Tracy Rosenberg: We will try an initial video/audio
trial-run for video interviews on 8-12-13.
IV. PD Search Motion- to be presented to PNB:
The PNB Personnel Committee moved: That the PNB shall approve amending the PNB
PD Search Committee Motion approved March 22, 2012 as follows: In the below
paragraph, strike the words after "unpaid staff members", (in this manner), and
may also include non-LSB listener members and non-LSB staff members.


1. Where an LSB creates a search sub-committee, the LSB shall specify, in
the motion which creates it, which of the procedures it intends to
delegate. Such a sub-committee shall include a minimum of 7 and a
maximum of 11 members consisting of LSB members, including paid and
unpaid staff members, and may also include non-LSB listener members and
non-LSB staff members. Names, email addresses, and phone numbers of all
sub-committee members shall be sent to the National Office. Approved
without objection.

V. New business: none
VI. Next scheduled meeting: 8-12-13
VII. Action items: 1) J Lane-Ewart will send out Survey results on 8-613; Cmte.
members will then submit questions for candidates through Google.docs; J Lane-
Ewart will assist if needed; 3) T Rosenberg will set up a video/audio trial-run
with the Cmte. on 8-12-13; T Allen will send the PD Search Motion to the PNB
VIII. The meeting adjourned at 9:40PM EST.

Respectfully submitted,
Teresa J. Allen
Approved 08-12-13