2013-06-10 PNB Personnel Cmte. Draft Minutes
Draft Agenda
I. Call to Order / Roll Call
II. Approve Agenda
III. Approve Minutes 05-13-2013
IV. Old Business
A. ED Search
1. Applications received by 6/7/13 deadline
2. Letter to applicants & website update
3. Elimination rounds (1st top 10, 2nd top 10, semi-finalists,
B. Electronic Interview Recommendations (Video Conferencing)
C. Staff Handbooks - responses - deadline 5/28/13
D. Report on action items & motions - 5/13/13 meeting
1.ED position notice to GRC (Teresa Allen)
2.Budget ($3,000 total or additional) - to PNB Secretary (John
3.Research on video conferencing (Teresa Allen & Janet Coleman)
4. MOTION: That we approve an ED salary range of $90-$110k/year, be
posted with our advertisements and that the ED Search deadline be
extended to the June 2013 date of the ad already placed with
careerbuilders.com (John Cromshow)
V. New Business
A. Staff Handbooks
1. Personnel Committee members verification of Staff
2. Verified responses then forwarded to PNB
B. ED Search
1.Use of video conferencing and/or phone conferencing
2.In-person interviews
3.Travel voucher - $500
VI. Next scheduled meeting: Monday, July 8, 2013 - 8:30 PM ET
VII. Adjournment
2013-06-10 PNB Personnel Cmte. Minutes
I. Meeting was called to order at 8:47PM ET. Present: Teresa Allen, KPFT;
Janet Coleman, WBAI; John Cromshow, KPFK; Tracy Rosenberg, KPFA
II. Approve Agenda; approved without objection.
III. Approve Minutes 05-13-2013: Chair reminded the Cmte. that references to
SKYPE should not be included, Secretary will correct this. Minutes
approved without objection.
IV. Old Business
A. ED Search
1. About 76 applications were received by the 6/7/13 deadline (some may
be duplications); 1 application was received late-Chair will
acknowledge late application and state that we will consider the
application if we extend acceptance of applications further. No
2. Letter to applicants & website update: Chair will now approximately
state on the Website that "Job search deadline has been reached and
applications received, we appreciate those who have applied and
people can continue to check the website for further updates."
3. Elimination rounds (1st top 10, 2nd top 10, semi-finalists,
finalists): T Allen asked if we needed to go into executive session
to discuss procedure for candidate selection. The committee agreed
that there is no need. J Lane-Ewert will help collate first round
selection with the Chair, using Survey Monkey.
B. Electronic Interview Recommendations (Video Conferencing): T Allen will
re-send email by B Crosier on video conferencing. T Allen and J Coleman
will continue research. T Rosenberg will research video conferencing at
UC- Berkeley which may be affordable.
C. Staff Handbooks - responses - deadline was 5/28/13: T Rosenberg
proposed that the Cmte. cull through input from send suggestions to &
each Personnel Cmte. rep. cull comments from paid and unpaid staff and J
Cromshow will send whole list to T Rosenberg and J Coleman
D. Report on action items & motions - 5/13/13 meeting
1.ED position notice to GRC (Teresa Allen) has been done.
2. Budget: John Cromshow verified that the budget is $4K total.
3. Research on video conferencing (Teresa Allen & Janet Coleman)
4. MOTION: That we approve an ED salary range of $90-$110k/year, be
posted with our advertisements and that the ED Search deadline be
extended to the June 2013 date of the ad already placed with
careerbuilders.com (J Cromshow will send motion to PNB Secretary)
Because advertisements were already sent out and deadline passed
before approval of this request, J Cromshow will request that
Pacifica provide the salary range to the semi-finalists.
V. New Business
A. Staff Handbooks
1. Personnel Committee members verification of Staff
2. Verified responses then forwarded to PNB
B. ED Search
1.Use of video conferencing and/or phone conferencing
2.In-person interviews
3.J Cromshow proposed using $500 travel voucher for final candidates.
No objection.
VI. Next scheduled meeting: Monday, July 8, 2013 - 8:30 PM ET
VII. Meeting adjourned at 10:15PM ET.
Respectfully submitted,
Teresa J. Allen, Secretary
Approved 2013-08-12