Minutes for the regular National Finance Committee meeting September 10, 2013.

Meeting convened at 8:37 PM (ET) a quorum being present, the Chair and Secretary being present.
Attending: Jim Boyd, R. Paul Martin (Secretary), Tony Norman, Tracy Rosenberg (Chair), Raul Salvador (CFO), Richard
Uzzell, Barbara Whipperman, also attending were KPFA interim General Manager Richard Pirodsky and KPFA Business Manager
Maria Negret.

1. Roll call
2. Approve minutes
3. KPFA FY14 budget
4. Adjourn


Motion: (Richard Uzzell) “To adopt the agenda.” (Passed without objection)

KPFA FY14 budget 8:41 PM (ET)

The committee discussed the KPFA draft FY14 budget proposal.

Motion: (Tracy Rosenberg) “The NFC recommends to the PNB adoption of the KPFA FY14 budget with the following changes:
Line 6, General Ledger #5000 ‘Listener Support’ adjust to $2,705,000 with the addition of two additional on-air fund
raising days in FY14; Line 39, General Ledger #6400 ‘Shared Expenses’ adjust to $461,040; Line 40 General Ledger #6412
‘PRA’ adjust to $67,800; Line 62 General Ledger #6000 ‘Gross Salaries’ adjust to $1,365,000; Line 66 General Ledger
#6102 ‘Pension Expense’ change to $18,417; Line 68 General Ledger #6200 ‘Health Benefits’ adjust to $425,000; Line 103
General Ledger #6655 ‘Depreciation’ adjust to $102,000; Line 152 General Ledger #6750 ‘Premiums - Other Vendors’ adjust
to $146,000; ‘Total Revenue’ adjust to $3,461,000, ‘Total Operating Expense’ adjust to $3,457,000, ‘Surplus’ of $3,861
with no Capital Expenses." (Passed 6 for, 1 against, 1 abstention)

The committee discussed the motion.

Amendment: (Barbara Whipperman) “The NFC recommends to the PNB the adoption of a FY14 budget for KPFA that includes four
additional on-air fund raiser days than were originally proposed in the ‘Assumptions’ page, and that the rest of the
budget be calculated based on that increase in revenue.” (Fails 2 for, 5 against, 1 abstention)

The committee discussed the amendment.

Approve minutes 9:11 PM (ET)
Motion: (Richard Uzzell) “To approve the minutes of the August 27, 2013, meeting” (passed 5 for, 0 against, 3

Adjourned 9:13 PM (ET)

Submitted by R. Paul Martin, Secretary.