Minutes of the KPFK Local Station Board Regular Meeting of 3/03/08

(Draft - Subject to LSB Approval)

A regular meeting of the KPFK Local Station Board was held following a special
meeting on March 3, 2008 at the Palms-Westminster Presbyterian Church, 2908
Robertson Place, Los Angeles, CA 90034 with Ricco Ross in the chair and Grace
Aaron serving as Secretary Pro Tem. Lich Doan took over as Chair at
approximately 9:25 pm when Ricco Ross had to leave the meeting.

Twenty-One Members present, constituting a quorum: Grace Aaron, Dave Adelson,
Jonathan Alexander, Yolanda Anguiano, Lich Doan, Israel Feuer, Sherna Gluck,
Jan Goodman, Ian Johnston, Tracy Larkins, Ali Lexa, Shawn Casey O'Brien, Reza
Pour, Leslie Radford, Summer Reese, Ricco Ross, Jack VanAken, Donna Warren,
Steve Weatherwax, Don White, and Yosh Yamanaka.

Absent: Gabrielle Woods

Excused: Shel Plotkin and Margaret Prescod.

Jack VanAken objects to excusing Shel Plotkin's absence. A vote was taken to
excuse his absence. The motion passes 10-7-3

Donna Warren objects to excusing Margaret Prescod's absence. Margaret
Prescod's absence is excused by a wide margin (show of hands).

Sherna Gluck moves that approval of the minutes be postponed until the next
meeting. Donna Warren makes the only objection.

Authority and Notice: This meeting was scheduled by the LSB at the Feb. 9, 2008
Regular LSB Meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 7:25 pm. Grace Aaron was appointed
Secretary Pro Tem and Yolanda Anguiano was appointed timekeeper, without

The proposed agenda was approved (as amended) (see Appendix B).
(IV [E] Personnel Committee was omitted and IV [F] was extended by 10 minutes
to 15 minutes; VII was deleted and referred to the Governance Committee; LSB
election report by Israel Feuer was added as an item of VIII New Business.)

Ricco Ross addresses some comments to the Board. 7:58 pm

Ricco Ross asks Don White to motivate participation on the PNB Archives and
Affiliates Committees and Don does so.

Ricco Ross suggests that he write a letter acknowledging staff, both paid and
unpaid, and volunteers for a very successful fund drive that raised more than
$200,000 over the goal. Agreed by the body without dissent.

Israel Feuer moves that on air announcements of our meetings and also LSB
committee membership be aired. Jan Goodman suggests that on-air announcements
be made asking for volunteers to be LSB Secretary.

Sherna Gluck suggests that in addition to the above on-air announcements that
in the next 2 weeks an LSB Report to the Listeners be aired.

Jim Lafferty, Interim GM, says that he will make sure that all of the above is

Jack VanAken moves that Sexual Harassment training as described in the 2006
motion be instituted as a standing policy of the LSB to be implemented on an
annual basis.

Summer Reese amends Jack's motion to say that compliance with Sexual Harassment
Training be completed by May 3, 2008.

Amendment passes without objection.

Back to Jack's motion as amended:

MOTION PASSES with an objection by Sherna Gluck
Y: 15, N: 3, A: 2

Shawn Casey O'Brien puts forward the following motion:

Whereas, it appears there may be a serious conflict of interest in the current
GM search process; and

Whereas, the current iED of Pacifica appears to be both chief legal counsel for
KPFK's former GM and, in his capacity as iED, about to select KPFK's new GM;

Whereas, even an appearance of conflict of interest or bias in the GM selection
process would be detrimental to the reputation and good name of KPFK;

I move that the LSB immediately ask a recognized and independent legal
authority to give the LSB a briefing in executive session as it relates to
conflict of interest and/or unethical behavior. Without such a consultation,
Board members cannot make an informed decision as to how valid such concerns
are and, if need be, how best to remedy them.

Ian Johnston moves to extend time by 5 minutes
Dsve Adelson proposes a substitute motion to extend by 10 minutes, which
passes. 8:37 pm

Jack VanAken moves to refer Shawn's motion to the Governance Committee.

Sherna Gluck proposes a substitute motion: That this issue (conflict of
interest) be taken by the KPFK Directors to be considered by the PNB Governance
Committee for their deliberation and action.

(Note: Some disturbance occurs during this part of the meeting. LSB Member
Tracy Larkins begins videotaping LSB members. Several members object.)

Sherna's SUBSTITUTE MOTION FAILS: Y: 8, (Y. Anguiano, S. Gluck, I. Johnston,
T. Larkins, R. Pour, L. Radford, J. VanAken, D. White) N: 12 (G. Aaron, D.
Adelson, J. Alexander, L.Doan, I. Feuer, J. Goodman, A. Lexa, S.C. O'Brien, S.
Reese, D. Warren, S. Weatherwax, Y. Yamanaka); A: 0

Public Comment 8:58 pm

Doug Barnett and Terry Goodman make public comments.

Sherna Gluck moves that a time certain of 9:15 for be set for the GM Search
Committee Report. Approved without objection.

Public Comment on Shawn's Motion re: Conflict of Interest

Back to Shawn's original motion which FAILS:
Y: 6 (G. Aaron, J. Alexander, L. Doan, A. Lexa, S. C. O'Brien, D. Warren, N: 12
(D. Adelson, Y. Anguiano, S. Gluck, I. Johnston, T. Larkins, R. Pour, L.
Radford, S. Reese, J. VanAken, S. Weatherwax, D. White, Y. Yamanaka), A: 2 (I.
Feuer, J. Goodman)

Dave Adelson asks that it be put on the record that he will take the time to
find out if the California Attorney General's office will give us some advice
regarding Shawn's concerns.

Jim Lafferty gives a 7-minute report. 9:16 pm

As it is now 9:16 pm, the agenda is moved to the General Manager Search
Committee Report

At approximately 9:25 pm Ricco Ross, Chair, has to leave the meeting. The
Chair is turned over to Lich Doan, Vice Chair, for the remainder of the meeting

Sherna Gluck Reports:
Next GM Search Committee Meeting is on Monday, May 10, 2008 at 6:30. New
members and members who wish to review the applications should get there at

Sherna suggests that the GM Search process be extended by 21 day extension

Jonathan Alexander puts forward a substitute motion that the GM Search process
be extended by 30 days

There is an election for the 2 listener member slots on the GM Search

The candidates are: Robin Doyno, Joe Maizlish, Francisco Romero, Rosa Romero,
and Mansoor Sabbagh,

Public Comment 9:51 pm

Election Results:

ELECTED: Mansoor Sabbagh, Rosa Romero, 1st Alternate: Joe Maizlish

Meeting Adjourns: 9:57 pm

Respectfully Submitted,
Grace Aaron, Secretary Pro Tem

Agenda: KPFK LSB Regular Meeting
Monday, Mar. 3, 2008, at approximately 7:00 p.m. after an Executive Session
scheduled for 6 pm
The Palms-Westminster Presbyterian Church
2908 Robertson Pl., Los Angeles, CA 90034 (310) 838-8208

I: Call to Order
Welcome and Acknowledgements
Call of the Roll
Motion for Excused Absences
Review and Approval of the Agenda
Approval of Minutes
[total: 7 minutes]

II: Comments By The Chair (Explain Sexual Harassment Training to be done by
LSB members, Recruitment of LSB, Community people for PNB Task Forces on the
Archives & Affiliates, Hand out Committee sign up sheets and motivate committee
membership, etc.) [5 minutes]

III. iED and General Manager Search Process - Shawn Casey O'Brien [10 minutes]

IV. Interim GM Report and Q & A [15 minutes]

V. Committee Reports: [A] Governance - 15 mins [B] Programming Oversight - 0
mins [C] Finance- 15 mins [D] Outreach - 5 mins [E] GM Search Committee - 15
mins [G] Ad Hoc Committees - 5 mins

VI. Election of 2 listener members of GM Search Committee [30 minutes]

VII. Management member on GM Search Committee - Ricco Ross [10 minutes]

VIII. PNB Directors reports [15 minutes]

IX. Unofficial Election Report - Israel Feuer [5 mins]

X. New Business
a) Election Report - Israel Feuer

XI. Public Comment [20 minutes]

XII. Announcements/Adjournment [3 minutes]
(Consistent with Board Policy the Chair will call for Public Comment
at various points in the agenda. Any unused portion of the 30 minutes
assigned to Public Comment will be used in Agenda Item IX.)

[total 2:48 hours ]