KPFK Local Station Board Governance Committee

Draft Meeting Minutes for Monday, March 12, 2012

The regular, monthly meeting of the KPFK LSB Governance Committee was held on
Monday, March 12, 2012 at 7:57 PM PST at Peace Center West, 3916 Sepulveda
Blvd., Culver City, CA 90230, the chair (John Wenger) being in the chair and
the secretary (John P. Garry III) being present.

In attendance: Israel Feuer, John P. Garry III, Brenda Medina (LSB),
Michael Novick (LSB), Lawrence Reyes (LSB), John Wenger (LSB).

One person was excused: Lydia Brazon (LSB).

Authority and Notice: This meeting was scheduled by the Chair and noticed at by the Secretary on February 18, 2012.

The meeting was called to order by the Chair at 7:57 PM PDT.

LSB Agenda
Attendance Policy
LSB Letterhead
Adjourn 9:00 PM.
Community Advisory Board

The Secretary distributed a Proposed Agenda and a Draft Attendance Chart.


From the LSB Draft Meeting Minutes of February 15, 2012:

"Wenger (Governance Committee Chair) committed to create an excused absence
policy and address multiple excused absences by board members."

The Secretary distributed "A Report from the Secretary on Excused Absence
Policy, June 15, 2011."

LSB Excused Absence Policy

1. Notification: Chair and Secretary by email, phone, written, spoken.
2. Excuses: health, family/personal, previous commitment, transportation
issues, work commitment, lack of funds, pre-planned vacation,
emergency/political exigency.
3. Limited Number: No more than three absences shall be excused per LSB year
4. Quorum: Attendance for non-quorumed meetings shall recorded. All absences
that result in a lack of quorum shall be considered unexcused.

Passed without objection.


After discussion the LSB Agenda for March 17, 2012 was approved without
objection (see Appendix A).


There was a discussion of the CAB.

The meeting adjourned without objection at 9:36 PM.

Submitted by John P. Garry III, Acting Secretary.
(These minutes have not been approved).


Appendix A-LSB Agenda

Proposed Agenda for KPFK LSB Meeting of 3-17-2012
(all times include board discussion time)

I. Call to Order, Roll Call, Excused Absences, Agenda Approval,
Ground Rules for Communication, Announcements, Minutes Approval.
(15 min)

II. Scheduling / Location / Announcement of Meetings (5

III. Chair Report (3 min)

IV. Implementation / Follow Up / Action Items (10
a. Excused Absence Policy from Governance
b. Strategic Planning Session update (GM)

V. General Manager Report Summary and Q&A (20 min)

VI. Public Comment I (questions to GM) (7.5min)

VII. GM responds to public comment (6 min)

VIII. PNB Director Reports (15 min)

XI. Public Comment II (questions to PNB Directors) (7.5

X. PNB Directors respond to public questions (6 min)

XI. Personnel Committee (15 min)
a. Interim Position Public Notification Motion.

XII. PD Search Report (10 min)

XIII. Public Comment III (7.5 min)

XIV. Programming Oversight Committee Report (12 min)
a. PrOC Motions from 2-9-2012

XV. Finance Committee Report (5 min)
a. LSB Expense Report

XVI. Outreach Committee Report (5 min)

XVII. Governance Committee Report (15 min)
a. Attendance Policy
b. Committee Chair Motion
c. General Manager Investigation Motion (previously tabled by LSB)

XVIII. New Business (8 min)
a. Community Advisory Board

XIX. Public Comment IV (7.5 min)

total 180

Personnel Committee Motion:

"To comply with EEOC requirements, the LSB urges the KPFK GM to advertise, and
begin the selection process for interim positions (Business Manager &
Development Director) and give a progress report at the February 2012 LSB


Governance Committee Motion from March 12, 2012:

LSB Attendance Policy

1. Notification: Chair and Secretary by email, phone, written, spoken.
2. Excuses: health, family/personal, previous commitment, transportation
issues, work commitment, lack of funds, pre-planned vacation,
emergency/political exigency.
3. Limited Number: No more than three absences shall be excused per LSB year
4. Quorum: Attendance for non-quorumed meetings shall be recorded. All absences
that result in a lack of quorum shall be considered unexcused.

Passed without objection.


Governance Committee Motion from February 13, 2012:

Committee Chair Motion

Novick moved: Any member in good standing of an LSB Committee may serve as
chair of that committee.
Motion passed by a show of hands: Yes--5, No-1, Abstain -1


Governance Committee Motion from January 9, 2012 (tabled by the LSB on February
15, 2012)

General Manager Investigation Motion

Motion from Isenberg: The General Manager shall investigate John Cromshow's
relationship to UTLA, it's effect on his program, and explain why nothing was
done when Isenberg brought the issue to management, specifically to Interim
Program Director Alan Minsky.

Motion passed by a roll call vote: Yes--5, No-2, Abstain-0.
