Minutes for the regular National Finance Committee meeting May 8, 2012.

Meeting convened at 8:36 PM (ET) a quorum being present, the Chair and
Secretary being present.
Attending: Ken Aaron, Jim Boyd, Bill Crosier, Marcus Jetter, Campbell
Johnson, Kim Kaufman, R. Paul Martin, Tracy Rosenberg, Alex Steinberg,
Barbara Whipperman.

1. Approve draft agenda
2. Approve minutes
3. Check-ins regarding LA and DC Workgroups
4. Budgetary Updates
5. Capital expenses - transmitters/moves
6. Policy on Interstation transfers


The Chair announced that Executive Director Arlene Engleheart is on a plane
at this time and so can't be with us tonight.

At 8:44 PM (ET) the Chair relinquished the chair for one minute so she
could get the agenda typed up, the Secretary took the chair for that time.

Motion: (Marcus Jetter) "To approve the agenda." (Passed 8 for, 0 against,
2 abstentions)

Approve minutes 8:50 PM (ET)

A change to the language of the draft minutes was suggested and after
discussion there was no objection to it.

Motion: (Barbara Whipperman) "To approve the minutes of the April 24, 2012,
meeting as amended." (Passed without objection)

Check-ins regarding LA and DC Workgroups 9:07 PM (ET)

The Chair reported that the working group on WPFW met on May 3, 2012, at
7:00 PM (ET). The working group discussed the issues but since no one from
WPFW was at the working group meeting no decisions were reached.

The committee discussed when to hold the working group meeting for
discussing KPFK. It was agreed to hold it at 3:00 PM (ET) tomorrow.

Budgetary Updates 9:14 PM (ET)

The committee reviewed the progress on the FY13 draft budgets with a short
report by each of the stations' Treasurers.

KPFA - the Treasurer is talking to the Business Manager and others and
getting the numbers together.

KPFT - the last two local Finance Committee meetings have done budget
priorities. The station has had transmitter problems, then their antenna
was down for 14 days, they are not getting a good response to the current
on-air fund raiser because people don't know they're back on the air.

KPFK - the Business Manager got the budget templates at the end of April
and was manually transferring information into it. The Treasurer said that
she suspects no one's done anything on the FY13 budget yet.

WPFW - their local Finance Committee met and developed budget priorities.
They do not anticipate problems. The Treasurer has not talked to the
station's General Manager about the FY13 budget template, but will talk to
him about it tomorrow.

WBAI - the local Finance Committee has had trouble meeting and getting
quorums. Last year the Treasurer set the meeting dates, this year the
committee wants to set the meeting dates and there are fewer meetings. So
far nothing has been done with regard to the FY13 budget, but a meeting is
being set up for some time in May.

Capital expenses - transmitters/moves 9:36 PM (ET)

The committee heard more about KPFT's technical problems. KPFT has set up a
capital campaign to get a new transmitter. It is estimated that the new
transmitter will cost about $300,000 and so far about $40,000 has been
raised for this.

The committee was told that at KPFK the station's technical people have
looked into the transmitter problems there. A memo is expected, but the
bottom line is that the station needs another Nortel transmitter. The
station also needs to examine the efficacy of its outside fund raising
events and ensure financial transparency around them.

The committee was told that WPFW has a Relocation Committee that's looking
for a venue for the station to move to. The station's lease was extended to
the end of 2012, and there may be zoning problems for the developer that
wants to raze the building and put up another structure in its place. This
could possibly extend the time when WPFW could remain in that space.

Policy on Interstation transfers 9:47 PM (ET)

The committee went over Pacifica's current policy on interstation transfers
of money and discussed it with an eye towards its implementation and
possible revision.

Motion: (Ken Aaron) "That the NFC ask the National Office for a record of
all interstation transfers for FY12, to be reported within 30 days."
(Passed without objection)

The committee also reaffirmed that it will enforce the provisions of the
2005, PNB policy passed at the PNB in-person meeting on April 2, 2005,
regarding unbudgeted inter-unit transfers going forward and will notify the
PNB and the National Office of this.

Motion: (R. Paul Martin) "To adjourn." (Passed without objection)

Adjourned 10:35 PM (ET)

Submitted by R. Paul Martin, Secretary.