WPFW Local Station Board Meeting
2390 Champlain Street NW, Washington, DC 20009
4 October 2006
Note: Roughly the first half of this meeting was an open session, devoted to
the election process, and was recorded on CD; the second half was an executive
session devoted to the GM evaluation process, for which the public was excluded
and the recording machine turned off.

Quorum attained about 8:00 P.M., Carol Wolfe serving as Chair.
Board Members present at the call to order: Jim Brown, Acie Byrd, Billy Ray
Edwards, Joni Eisenberg, Jane Gatewood, Ayo Handy-Kendi, Luzette King, Dan
Logan, Thomas Ruffin, Gloria Turner, Carol Wolfe.
Later Arrival (8:30): Norberto Martinez.
Absent: Joe Chiara, Ambrose Lane, Kalonji Olusegun, Mark Roberts, Zarinah
Shakir, Hakam Takash.
Excused Absences: Mark Berman, Rob Robinson, Amanda Sweet.
Also Present: Ron Pinchback, General Manager (for the open session only) and
Carl Pfluger, LSB Secretary.

I. Debate on extending election process.
Lester Radke, the National Elections Supervisor, had extended the deadline for
nominations to the LSB election from September 25th to October 9th. Thomas
Ruffin argued that this violated the Bylaws which mandate the earlier date, and
introduced a motion to that effect. Acie Byrd argued strongly that such an
action would itself violate the Bylaws, by exceeding the authority of the LSB,
and contravening the authority of both the Pacifica National Board and the
Elections Supervisor, and he attempted to introduce a substitute motion. After
more than an hour of debate, Mr. Ruffin's motion, seconded by Luzette King was
put to a roll call vote. The results were:
In favor: Billy Ray Edwards, Jane Gatewood, Ayo Handy-Kendi, Luzette King,
Thomas Ruffin. (Total: 5.)
Opposed: Jim Brown, Acie Byrd, Joni Eisenberg. (Total: 3.)
Abstaining: Gloria Turner.
The motion was declared carried, and the Secretary directed to so report it to
the National Board and Elections Supervisor, which he did immediately after the
meeting. [Secretary's Note: This declaration was erroneous, as the Bylaws (Art.
7, Sec. 7) clearly state that to carry, a resolution must receive "at least
that number of affirmative votes as would constitute a majority of a quorum."
As of October 4th, 2006, the LSB had 21 members, of which a quorum is 11, and a
majority of 11 is 6.]
II. Executive Session.
Jim Brown presented the MASC's report, which was adopted by the LSB (9-0) after
several additions, proposed by various Members, were included. The Board then
voted (7 Yes, 2 Abstaining) to direct the Committee to send the revised report
to the GM, allow him 2 weeks to make any response, and then send the report,
together with the GM's response, to Pacifica's Executive Director.

Adjournment: Shortly after 11:00 P.M.