DRAFT Minutes
WPFW Local Station Board Meeting
February 8, 2006, 7:00 p.m.
The Flemming Center, Washington, DC
Call to Order: 7:15 pm
1. Board members in attendance:
Acie Byrd
Ambrose Lane
Ayo Handy Kendi
Billy Ray Edwards
Cade Campbell
Carol Wolfe
Dan Logan Donnie McKethan
Hakam Takash (8:50)
Jane Gatewood
Jim Brown
Joni Eisenberg (7:45)
Kalonji Olusegun
Luzette King
Gloria Turner (8:30)
Mark Berman
Sarah Bittle
Thomas Ruffin
Zarinah Shakir

Ron Pinchback, station GM and non-voting board member is also in attendance
Note: Gloria Turner is late because she was not informed of change in location
Excused Absences - Joe Chiara, Rob Robinson, Joni Eisenberg (late)
Unexcused Absences - Mark Roberts, Norberto Martinez
2. Process Review
Chair cites Roberts' Rules of Order as to requirement that members speak to
motions and not impugn motives of speakers.
3. Review and Approval of Agenda
Berman moves to shift new business items before old business items
Shakir moves to add review of Hakam's status as staff representative to old
King moves to add "code of ethics" to existing new business item "proposed code
of conduct"
Amendments accepted without objection
Agenda is adopted as amended (8y, 6n)
4. Review and Approval of Minutes from January 11
Olusegun moves that we postpone handling of this item to Old Business section
so that he can clarify his motion about the election.
Motion to postpone is adopted (12y, 0n)
5. Reports
a. Outreach: Campbell asks members to review written report from Town Hall
meeting and consider implementing ideas from community and that we report back
to the community about what we've done with their ideas.
Additional members discuss needs for board members to do things.
Shakir moves that LSB members participate in the upcoming pledge drive in
whatever capacity they can - answering phones, bringing food, whatever way they
are able. Bittle seconds.
Motion is adopted (11y, 3n, 2a)

b. General Manager: GM distributes written report and invites questions.
King moves that we instruct our general manager to make sufficient copies of
all non-confidential reports for members of the public attending our meeting.
Berman seconds.
Eisenberg moves to amend - that LSB make copies. Byrd seconds.
Amendment is approved (16y, 0n)
Main motion as amended is adopted (15y, 0n, 1a)
c. PNB: Shakir states that she will mail her report in upcoming week. Byrd asks
that we thank Ambrose Lane for his service to the PNB. Pinchback notes that new
PNB fails CPB "diversity test" and that this will result in loss of funds. King
and Edwards indicate need for WPFW to get up to speed on Bylaws review process.
Berman moves that the ED and PNB be directed to immediately address and resolve
the issue of diversity on the PNB in order to preserve CPB funding and to be
true to our principles and to the Pacifica mission. Byrd seconds.
Motion is adopted (15y, 0n, 1a)
Ruffin asks that it be noted for the record that he abstained because he
doesn't know enough about the issue.
6. Community Comment
(at request of Chair, and without objection, community comment is moved up in
agenda to allow time for one or two members to assist Gloria Turner to set up
Various community members spoke
7. New Business
a. Proposed LSB self-evaluation process
Campbell presents basic idea and asks for volunteers to contact her after
meeting to flesh out proposal. Various members speak to merits of idea as
b. Draft Annual calendar of LSB events required by bylaws and other priorities
Wolfe distributes draft calendar and asks members to begin thinking of
additional items, perhaps selecting two or three items from the long list of
goals from our retreat. Various members noted additional calendar items.
c. Proposed Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics
Handy Kendi initiates discussion. Various members contribute differing
d. Programming proposal - Takash shared information about a proposed special
about non-violent movement in Palestine but noted that GM had agreed to work
with him on making this happen in March and that no action by LSB was needed.

8. Old Business (9:25 pm)
a. Review of 2006 PNB representative election
Gatewood asks chair to state, for the record, the results of the PNB listener-
representative election because this did not occur at the January 11th meeting.
Chair states that the winners of the PNB listener-representative election were:
Rob Robinson, Zarinah Shakir, and Acie Byrd

Gatewood moves to rescind the motion adopted at the January 11th meeting to
accept the PNB election results because the manner in which two votes were
disqualified was a violation of Robert's Rules of Order and our bylaws. Edwards
Berman makes substitute motion that the two ballots in question be submitted to
independent party to votes be re-tallied
Motion is ruled out of order until motion to rescind is voted on.
Edwards moves that there be a role call vote on the main motion. King seconds.
Ruffin makes a point of order, stating that the motion (to accept election
results) did not actually pass because 7 members did not vote in the
affirmative as required by Article 7, section 7 of our bylaws.
Chair rules that the motion did pass because we had quorum since out of 23
current members, 12 were present at the time of the vote (6y, 4n, 1abstention,
plus the chair) and it was approved by a majority of those present and voting
Ruffin rules to overturn the ruling of the chair
Motion is defeated (3y, 10n, 4a)
Berman moves to call the question
Motion is adopted (6y, 8n)
Vote is called on motion for a role-call vote
Motion is adopted (6y, 4n, 4a)
Vote is called on motion to rescind:
Acie Byrd N
Ambrose Lane A
Ayo Handy Kendi A
Billy Ray Edwards Y
Cade Campbell N
Carol Wolfe N Dan Logan N
Donnie McKethan N
Gloria Turner N
Hakam Takash A
Jane Gatewood Y
Jim Brown N
Joni Eisenberg N
Kalonji Olusegun Y
Luzette King Y
Mark Berman N
Thomas Ruffin Y
Zarinah Shakir N

Motion is defeated: (5y, 9n, 3a)
Meeting is adjourned 10:20 pm
Unfinished Business
Establish independent election committee for future elections
LSB Secretary
LSB officers report on reformulating Management, Assessment and Search
Committee (MASC)
LSB response to PNB Programming Resolution
Appoint replacement to complete Katea Stitt's term
Establish 2006 LSB and PNB Committees
Review Hakam's status