DRAFT Minutes
WPFW Local Station Board Meeting
January 11, 2006, 7:00 p.m.
The Flemming Center, Washington, DC
Call to Order: 7:30 pm
1. Board members in attendance:
Jim Brown
Acie Byrd
Cade Campbell
Joe Chiara
Billy Ray Edwards Joni Eisenberg
Jane Gatewood
Ayo Handy Kendi
Luzette King
Norberto Martinez Donnie McKethan
Kalonji Olusegun
Rob Robinson
Thomas Ruffin
Carol Wolfe
Excused Absences - Mark Berman, Sarah Bittle, Ambrose Lane, Dan Logan, Ron
Pinchback, Zarinah Shakir, Hakam Takash
Unexcused Absences - Mark Roberts, Gloria Turner
2. Review and Approval of Agenda
Chiara moves to move old business to top of agenda, following approval of
minutes. Second.
9y, 4n motion passes
3. Review and Approval of Minutes
a. December 14, 2005 approved without objection
b. January 4, 2006 - Jane moves striking details of "discussion during vote
tally". Second.
Motion to amend passes 9y, 1n, 3a
Minutes approved as amended 10y, 1n, 2a
4. Old Business
a. Election of LSB Secretary
. Rob nominates Carl Pfluger, who accepted the nomination but could not attend
tonight's meeting
. Joni moves that we act on the Pfluger nomination
. Luzette moves that a PSA be drafted to invite members of the community to
apply for this volunteer position and that the election of LSB secretary be
postponed until the next meeting. Second.
Motion passes: 10y, 4n
Jane, Luzette and Cade volunteer to administer task
b. Review of PNB Election
. Wolfe reports on review process and rules that election is valid and it
. King moves to appeal chair's decision to move agenda. Second.
Motion Fails: 6y, 6n, 2a
. Various members speak out of order
. Gatewood moves to reconsider previous vote. Second.
Motion Passes: 8y, 4n
. Discussion resumes on chair's ruling.
. Handy-Kendi moves that we hold new election. Second.
- Chair moves motion out of order because repeating an election that was
conducted according to bylaws and was deemed valid by an outsider would be out
of order.
- Ruling by Chair is challenged
- Parliamentarian is consulted.
- Parliamentarian states that since board has not yet deemed election to be
valid, it is open for discussion.
. Olusegun makes a substitute motion: "that we accept election in spite of
difficulties." Second
Motion Passes: 6y, 4n, 1a
9: 20 Chair asks that we move to Community Comment
9: 55 Announcements
10:00 Meeting Adjourns
Unfinished Business
LSB response to PNB Programming Resolution
LSB officers report on reformulating Management, Assessment and Search
Committee (MASC)
Appoint replacement to complete Katea Stitt's term
LSB Committee Reports
General Manager's Report
PNB Reports
Establish LSB committees for 2006