06/08/05 WPFW Local Station Board Meeting
6/8/05 WPFW LSB Meeting - Minutes
June 8, 2005, 7:00 p.m.
The New Bethel Baptist Church, 1739 9th ST, NW DC 20009
Call to Order: 7:15 p.m.
1. Board members in attendance:
Ambrose Lane
Ayo Handy Kendi
Billy Ray Edwards
Carol Wolfe
Gloria Turner
Hakam Takash
Kalonji Olusegun Jane Gatewood
Joni Eisenberg
Joe Chiara
Luzette King
Mark Berman
Rob Robinson
Cade Campbell Mark Roberts
Norberto Martinez
Sarah Bittle
Steve Hoffman
Thomas Ruffin
Acie Byrd
Ron Pinchback, WPFW General Manager and non-voting LSB member, was also in
Excused: Jim Brown, Katea Stitt, Zarinah Shakir
Unexcused: Dan Logan
In the excused absence of Jim Brown, the meeting was chaired by Mark Berman,
Vice Chair. Kalonji Olusegun co-chaired the meeting.
2. Approval of Agenda
Motion by Hakam to add to the agenda an update on the Radio Co-op and to make
another motion to advise Pacifica to set aside a yearly national budget for
related legal fees to settle a possible law suite.
Motion by Luzette to move Treasurer report earlier, as soon as she arrives.
Motion passes.
Motion by Hakam to put time limits on agenda items.
Mark R. moves to accept the revised agenda with the change in order. Seconded
and passes.
3. Approval of minutes.
Steve moves to approve minutes. Seconded. Motion passes.
4. LSB Committee Reports
Program Committee: No report
MASC: No report
Governance: No report
Outreach & Development committee report: Distributed and presented by Ayo.
5. PNB Committee Reports
PNB Program Committee report presented and distributed by Rob Robinson. He also
presented and distributed summaries of other PNB activities that he
participated in.
Mark Roberts: 2 GMs left and the Executive Director's resignation is effective
6/1. The ED Search Committee is trying to develop a transition plan while the
search is conducted. A Search firm has been hired. Candidates will be
interviewed at the September meeting where, ideally, a new Executive Director
will be selected.
Ayo moves that LSB prepare a position paper to present to the PNB our views on
how the process should proceed for hiring the national Executive Director.
Kalonji seconded the motion.
Ambrose presents his report.
Acie moves to amend Ayo's motion to add that WPFW proposes a national meeting
of the PNB to decide either to appoint an interim director or put Ambrose into
the position.
Hakam seconds the motion.
Mark R proposes a substitute motion: Moves that the WPFW LSB instruct the PNB
to whenever possible avoid executive sessions regarding selection of ED. WPFW
should support selecting an interim ED from the Bay Area, or naming the current
CFO ED for a 120 day period.
Mark withdrew his motion.
Luzette moves to amend the original motion to propose that the position paper
1) include that PNB avoid executive sessions regarding selection if interim ED
and 2) PNB should follow the rules so the PNB chairman is put in charge and 3)
the PNB should hire an agency to recruit an ED
Joe Chiara seconds.
Jane moves that we divide Luzette's motion.
Seconded by Mark R.
8 ayes 4 nays. Motion to divide carries.
3) motion 12 ayes 2 nays
2) 12 ayes 2 nays 2 abstentions.
1) 11 ayes 2 opposed 1 abstention
It was determined that 2 national PNB meetings are already scheduled, so Acie's
motion is withdrawn.
Amended motion voted on:
LSB prepare a position paper to present to the PNB our views on how the process
should proceed for hiring the national Executive Director. The position paper
should include that PNB avoid executive sessions, 2) PNB should follow the
rules so PNB chairman is put in charge as interim ED, and 3) PNB should hire an
agency to recruit an ED.
10 ayes 3 nays 4 abstentions. Amended motion carries.
6. Treasurer's report was presented by Jane.
7. General Manager's report was distributed.
8. Community Comment
Community comment begins at 9:27 pm.
Community comment ends at 9:40 pm. after all community participants had spoken.
9. Old Business - not covered
10. New Business
Norberto replaces Kalonji as chair committee on inclusion?
Hakam will reads motion and will e-mail it to secretary for the next meeting.
Mark moves to table the motion and put it on the agenda for the next meeting.
Motion to table amended by Luzette who moves to allow 30 minutes for the item.
Motion is seconded and carries.
2 abstentions
8 ayes
It is suggested that the position statement be prepared by Monday, June 30.
11. Meeting adjourns at 10:05 pm.