02/09/05 WPFW LSB Meeting - Minutes
WPFW Local Station Board Meeting
February 9, 2005, 7:00 p.m.
Josephine Parks Butler Building, 2nd floor
2437 15th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20009
Call to Order: 7:15 p.m.
1. Board members in attendance:
Acie Byrd
Ayo Handy Kendi
Billy Ray Edwards
Cade Campbell
Carol Wolfe
Gloria Turner
Hakam Takash
Jane Gatewood
Jim Brown
Joe Chiara
Joni Eisenberg
Katea Stitt
Kalonji Olusegun
Luzette King
Mark Berman
Mark Roberts
Norberto Martinez
Rob Robinson
Sarah Bittle
Steve Hoffman
Thomas Ruffin
Zarinah Shakir

Ron Pinchback, WPFW General Manager and non-voting LSB member, was also in
Ambrose Lane and Dan Logan were absent and excused. Katea Stitt left at 9:00
p.m. and Mark Berman left at 9:15 p.m.
2. Review and Approval of Agenda. Approved after some discussion.
3. Review and Approval of Minutes.
a. December 8, 2004 Meeting: Additional corrections submitted to Rob Robinson.
Approved with corrections (21 ayes, 3 abstentions).
b. January 5, 2005 Meeting: Corrections submitted. Approved with corrections
(15 ayes, 2 abstentions).
c. January 26, 2005 Meeting: Corrections submitted. Approved with corrections
(15 ayes).
d. February 2, 2005 Executive Session: Corrected to attach statement by Billy
Ray Edwards. Approved with correction (17 ayes).
4. Chair's Comments.
Jim Brown proposes that Mr. Nathaniel Adams be named the LSB's official
parliamentarian. He is a member of the National Association of
Parliamentarians. He has served as official parliamentarian for several groups
including the AARP. Ambrose Lane previously made this suggestion. It is further
proposed that the parliamentarian's interpretation is final and that he be
empowered to rule.
Norberto Martinez states that parliamentarian should not have voting rights.
Carol Wolfe MOVED to accept the proposal. SECONDED by Sarah Bittle. Luzette
states that he needs to be visible. Mark R: It will be useful to have the
services of a parliamentarian, but the LSB should have the right to over rule
the chair and the parliamentarian. We should lean on the parliamentarian to but
adhere to the rules. The QUESTION IS CALLED by Hakam. Thomas MOVES to AMEND THE
MOTION to implement the parliamentarian's role as defined in Robert's Rules
rather than give the parliamentarian final say. Carol MOVES to accept the
parliamentarian and accept his ruling on parliamentary procedure as final.
SECONDED by Sarah. MOTION IS DEFEATED. Luzette MOVES to accept the services of
the parliamentarian and accept as final his rulings on parliamentarian
procedure as reflected in the PNB bylaws and Robert's Rules. SECONDED by Sarah.

Thomas MOVES TO AMEND the motion to state that the LSB accepts the services of
Mr. Adams as parliamentarian. SECONDED by Hakam. MOTION PASSES (19 yeas, 1
It is suggested that the LSB offer a gift and condolences to Tiffany on the
passing of her mother. Several types of gifts are suggested, including cash.
Ron suggests that a monetary gift will be appreciated in light of unexpected
expenses associated with her mother's passing. Flowers were sent on behalf of
WPFW. It is decided (15 yeas) that contributions from LSB members will be given
to the Secretary (Carol) who will send them to Tiffany with a card. Carol will
be away for a week and Jane agrees to do this.
5. Establish a Search Committee for selection of Program Director (PD).
Thomas states that we have a search committee for PD. The committees were not
dissolved. They are still in effect. Thomas proposes to retain current
committees rather than start over and simply add new members to the current
committees. Unless we dissolve the current Management Assessment and Search
Committee, we don't need to establish a Search Committee for the PD.
Luzette states that we needed proposed committees in advance of the meeting.
The Chair notes that the document proposing committees was distributed at the
retreat. Steve states that this is the time to establish the committees rather
than creating ad hoc committees throughout the year. Ron states that before
forming committees, we need to decide whether or not they are dissolved as a
result of the election. Are the committees grand fathered?
Rob MOVES that we dissolve the committees and reestablish new ones at the next
meeting. SECONDED.
Mark R. states that the committees are not dissolved. They are re-populated.
The committees were organized to fulfill the LSB duties defined in the bylaws.
Mark B. supports Rob's motion, but due to urgency MOVES that the Chair appoint
a committee to search for a PD. SECONDED by Hakam.
Jane appreciates Rob's comments, but existing committees need to be discussed
before new ones are established. I have a different proposal that would have
our committees running within two weeks. Jane distributes proposal for review.
Kalonji states that the LSB has gone through 2 elections with staggered terms
to maintain continuity. He suggests we revisit the committees, refine them, and
let them continue their work.
Thomas states that the committees did work, though not always as wanted.
Committees were voluntary and it took 3 ½ months to get started. Jim's proposal
makes some changes. There was an effort to change. There needs to be
acknowledgement of suggestions made on the internet.
Jim states that the proposal handed out at the retreat was very similar to what
was just distributed. It's not etched in stone. We do need to discuss the
committees, but we need, now in our second month, to get started.
Joni supports Kalonji and Thomas. We need to move forward with the work of the
committees. The Programming Committee has an urgent need to establish an
evaluation mechanism by March 21. Sarah supports Kalonji's proposal.
Luzette is swayed by Kalonji and Thomas, but objects to motions that have
fundamental impact being moved on too quickly. There was not enough time to
prepare. She does not support having the Chair appoint committees.
Ron supports maintaining committees, but the membership needs to allow for
change and growth. The committees need new blood. Mark R. prefers to maintain
current committee structure and allow members to sign up for the committees
they choose. He cautions that before people signed up for too many committees
and some became too big. But the committees need to meet and elect their
Rob would like to expedite committee formation, but reminds us that several
committees were questioned continually by the LSB in a manner that made it
impossible for them to do their work. We need to be clear about committee
structure and be sure people participate.
Ayo states that committees should meet soon. The committee descriptions are
vague, however, and the loose structure may doom them to failure. Gloria adds
that people can't spread themselves too thinly. Hakam suggests that we select
committees by interest, not according to who else may be on them.
Acie MOVES that we make a ruling that no LSB member can serve on more than 2
committees. He favors keeping the current committee structure.
Substitute MOTION is made to adopt the committee names that were in place and
conduct a sign up.
Thomas MOVES to table consideration to dissolve the committees until new
members can become oriented. SECONDED by Jane. MOTION CARRIES (6 yeas, 5 nays).
Thomas MOVES that committees that existed last year be continued. New members
join the committees of their choice. Others remain on their current committees
or choose to join others.
Kalonji MOVES that the committees be reinstated and opened for membership. The
committees decide on their functions and report back to the LSB. SECONDED by
Rob reminds us that we need to elect 8 representatives to the national
committees. The ad hoc Governance Committee is to come back with a
recommendation in two weeks.
Jim refers back to the retreat and the goals that the LSB established. Those
goals will help define the committees' work. They are the goals that the LSB
came up with and need to be incorporated into the committees' work.
Carol CALLS THE VOTE. DEBATE CLOSES (13 yeas, 6 nays).
MOTION CARRIES (9 yeas, 8 nays).
6. Establish 2005 LSB committees, committee structure and practices.
MOTION is made to retain the same committees as last year. LSB members sign up
for committees they would like to join. The Secretary and Chair report back to
the LSB for review. The LSB revises committee composition if necessary. MOTION
AMENDED by Mark R. To expedite, the first person on the list becomes the
convener so that committees can meet prior to the next LSB meeting.
Sign-up sheets are distributed and collected. Secretary to distribute as soon
as possible tabulated results and suggested composition of each committee.
First person on each committee list will convene the committee.
7. Community Comment from 9:25 - 9:40pm accommodates all community observers
who wish to speak.
8. New Business: Elect LSB representatives to PNB Committees.
PNB Finance: Jane Gatewood
PNB Governance: Jane Gatewood, Hakam Takash
PNB Audit: Jim Brown, Carol Wolfe
PNB Technology: Hakam Takash, Kolanji Olusegun,
PNB Programming: Norberto Martinez, Cade Campbell
PNB Archives Task force: Acie Byrd, Steve Hoffman
PNB Development: Joe Chiara
Acie: More than three hours of air time were devoted to honoring one of the
SNCC founders, James Forman. It was carried by Pacifica National and covered in
the LA Times, Washington Post, and other newspapers. The program will be
archived and given to Pacifica to replay. Acie personally commends everyone who
participated including, Ron Pinchback, Joni Eisenberg, Rob Robinson, Ayo Handy
Kendi, and a number of others. Five members of the LSB were involved plus six
or seven members from the staff.
Ron: Would like everyone to know that they came to me with this idea. They made
the proposal and I just made the station resources available. I encourage all
of you to do the same thing. If you have an idea, make the proposal.
Zarinah: Two items. 1) Memorial for Ossie Davis and there are over 20 speeches
in Pacifica archives available. 2) Need to read item distributed related to
youth who are not aware of the value of freedom of speech. The LSB needs to
address erosion of freedom of speech.
Luzette: Suggests that we revisit how special programs are selected to be on
the air. Chair asks that it be presented in writing before the next meeting.
Hakam: Will be submitting a proposal in writing related to the DC Coop and
suggests that it be on the agenda for the next meeting.
Adjournment: 10:00 p.m.