Houston, Texas
Chair Jack O'Dell welcomed the group and thanked KPFT for hosting the board
There are several spelling problems. The pension plan is 403 B plan not 410 B.
MOTION: That the minutes be adopted as amended
M/S/P Unanimous
At Large member for development, Linda Malabot, WPFW Representative Ambrose
Lane and WBAI representative Frank Millspaugh were introduced to the board and
were recommended for seating on the Board.
KPFK alternate Steve Ediger--filling in for Leonor Lizardo and KPFT alternate
Michael Palmer were recommended for seating on the Board.
Janis Hazel was recommended to serve as an A-Large member. The Executive
Committee recommended seating her for this meeting only and to send the issue
of at large membership and the By-Law amendment (Article 3, Section 5) to the
Board's Nominating Committee. Alexis Gonzales, Cecilia McCall and Roger
Scarborough are the committee members. They will discuss the need for Pacifica
to reserve an at large seat for a future Treasurer, and the fact that there is
only one remaining at large seat with two candidates, Janis Hazel and Roberta
Brooks interested in serving in an At Large capacity. A secret ballot vote was
taken by the board. (Results below)
KPFA General Manager Marci Lockwood and KPFT General Manager, Garland Ganter
have served their six months probation. The Executive Committee recommended
that their probations be ended and that they be seated as Vice Chairs.
MOTION: To seat all of the above with the exception of Janis Hazel/
M/S/P Unanimous
MOTION: That Janis Hazel be seated as an At Large Member of the Board.
M/S/F--The vote was done by secret ballot. Of 12 voting members the count was 5
Yes, 6 No and 1 Abstain. 8 yes votes were needed to seat Janis.
MOTION: To seat Janis Hazel for this meeting.
M/S/P 9 Yes- 0 No- 0 Abstain
The discussion of the By-Law amendment will take place at the winter meeting--
otherwise there are no changes.
MOTION: That the agenda be approved with changes
M/S/P Unanimous
Roberta Brooks gave the report.
The Development approved the development plans for KPFT, WPFW, KPFA and WBAI as
presented and KPFK's plan with the proviso that currently unbudgeted CSG funds
be allocated for development activity; specifically off air renewals and
The Committee further recommended that a standard Development Director job
description must be in place throughout the system. At KPFK any changes in the
standard description must be approved by Dick Bunce first. Dick will continue
to closely monitor the situation at KPFK.
The Committee recommended that it is appropriate to use a portion of bequests
to fund on going planned giving actives. This came up at KPFA and raised a
concern about the use of bequest money. Currently bequest policy language
states that it is the preference of Pacifica that all bequests be used
exclusively for capital or debt retirement.
An agreement was reached at WBAI. A 6 month $160,000 Equipment Capital Campaign
was approved by the Committee and Development Director Dock Bunce. At least
$75,000 of a total of $160,000 must be raised off air before the station may do
on air fundraising.
Sandra Rosas wants the CSG fund issue at WBAI to be discussed. Roberta Brooks
and June Makela did discuss the matter.
Sandra Rosas will speak with Valerie about where the money will be housed--and
about Pacifica capital campaign policies. The Development Committee acted on
the fundraising plan, but how the cash will ultimately be released needs to be
worked out.
MOTION: That the recommendations of the Development Committee be approved
M/S/P Unanimous Yes 12 No 0 Abstain 0
The Committee established a goal of 100% percent giving for National Programs
by the National Board. Board members were asked to make out checks at the
meeting--with the expectations that an annual fund would be created for the
Acting Treasurer June Makela gave the report.
General Manager Valerie Van Isler and the staff at WBAI were commended for
their fundraising successes. FY94 was a banner year for the station. The
Committee recognized the growth in income and hope this is just the beginning
for WBAI.
There will be increases in CPB--Community Service Grants so there will be more
room in budgets than anticipated.
Three stations are in deficit for the year, and the organization should
anticipate the same in FY95. Pacifica will be looking at financial ruin if it
does not take care of the deficit situation now. It is likely that the SCA
revenues will be reduced , and the organization will have to make changes more
quickly to preserve the network. Pacifica can no longer afford disasters like
WPFW. Pacifica reserves are being spent and is no provision to build them. Some
loans made to units may never be able to be repaid. Deficits are a huge drain
which prevent Pacifica from being creative and ambitious for ideas for
Audience and Program Development must happen very quickly. The Finance
committee appreciates that General Managers must cut their budgets and have to
raise more money. June Makela thinks that the development model is a great one,
but it took too long. Pacifica does not have 2 and a half years to improve its
programming and will need to move very quickly.
The Committee recommends that Pacifica employ the following solutions: it is
clear that the organizations needs to do integrated planning which would
include development, finance and programming. It is very clear that enhanced
oversight must be done from the National Office to the Local Units. Long term
projects and a plan for SCA money must be developed with a priority for
building reserves. If more money comes in FY96 over the $500,000 planned for
this, it must be placed in reserve. Units should be prepared for transmitter
maintenance to be removed from the SCA budget. The Finance Committee will take
a serious look at centralizing the business function to save money. Also it
will examine the central service percentages in order to pay for increased
Michael Palmer suggested that Unit Managers think about a 5% reduction in their
budgets. They should anticipate no growth budgets and anticipate there is no
money for them from the top. Units must begin to share successful programming.
Each budget presented was the result of a two month process included the
General Manager, Business Manager, the Development Director, Sandra Rosas. Pat
Scott and Dick Bunce. Development budgets were signed off by Development
Directors. Total budgets by General Managers and Sandra Rosas--who gives them
final approval.
Unit Reports
KPFA continues to be the strongest station. It had a good year and there are no
major problems in the budget. There are some new costs; the producer of the
morning show, a planned gifts program and some increase in staff. There is
major potential to raise more money. KPFA's bottom line showed a small deficit
which they are proposing to fund out of a 1993 surplus and some income from
their program endowment. The Committee agreed to this plan. The committee
recommends that the budget be approved as presented.
MOTION: That the KPFA budget be approved
M/S/P Unanimous
KPFK ended the year with a deficit of $75,000. The good news is that it is
covered by a windfall bequest. The station is very lucky. This deficit is
important because it reflects problems with the units--especially in audience
and development. The current development plan is very ambitious and will need
to be watched carefully. Cliff has made cuts in salary and other lines.
Enhancement in the development budget include a commitment by Cliff to transfer
extra CSG money to it. If he had to make further cuts--Cliff would have to cut
personnel. The committee recommends approval of the budget with any extra funds
being allocated to off air renewals first and then premiums.
MOTION: That the KPFK budget be approved as presented.
M/S/P Unanimous
WBAI had an excellent year in fundraising. Valerie voiced a strong disagreement
with the proven income rule. The Committee is standing by the current budget
process in order to be consistent with the other units. Grants and CSG will be
added to the budget---this will reflect additional income in this budget.
Otherwise the budget will be approved as presented in the board booklet. The
scheduled payment of debt to Pacifica is not contained in this budget. If there
is a surplus left over from FY94--Valerie has committed to pay deferred wages.
The Committee wants the next priority to be the 1989 $150,000 SCA loan payment.
$111,000 is still owed. Next year the pay down would be paid down by the
Valerie Van Isler asked for an allocation to give raises to staff for FY95. If
this is not approved she thinks they will either grieve or sue. June Makela
insisted that a repeat of the discussion at the Finance Committee meeting would
not be appropriate. She suggested that either National leadership meet with
Valerie on the issues or that the board simply pass and approve the budget.
Valerie replied that if the budget is approved as she is legally bound to pay
deferred salary wages plus she has an obligation to pay an additional 5% wage
increase. She had asked that WBAI's proven income be calculated on a October to
September schedule. The current schedule is September to August.
The Committee recommendation is that this budget be approved and that this
budget must go back to Sandra Rosas and be brought back to the Finance
Committee with recommendation on how to allocate the extra CSG money.
The $91,000 revenue asked to be included in planning for FY95 is excluded---
the proven income figures will be calculated based on Sept. 93-Aug 94.
June Makela felt that games were being played and registered a very strong
criticism about Valerie's behavior toward the committee.
The 5% salary increase for FY94 is added into the budget. Also there was a
deferral of another wage increase which would come from surplus. This wage
increase may come from additional money from CSGs or other grants. The FY95
increase to be negotiated with the union is not in the budget.
June complained that the Committee was given misleading information to very
clear questions, and that she came out of the meting with a totally different
MOTION: That the Executive Committee and the Finance Committee meet to
reconsider WBAI's budget.
M/S/P 10 Yes 0 No 2 Abstain
The Committee requested a full report about the WPFW crisis from the staff.
sandra Rosas will provide financial information and Pat will request a report
from David Salniker. WPFW's budget balances because of a $200,000 subsidy from
SCA. What is not included is emergency repairs to their building. Gail
Christian is optimistic about grant income that could bring the total income
Related to small claims against WPFW, Jack O'Dell wants to look into the
question of WPFW's legal rights. The station has a lawyer who is helping.
Gail's initial mistake was trying to negotiate a lower payment with
complainants. The court is unsympathetic.
The board discussed the possibility of legal action.
MOTION: To approve the WPFW budget
M/S/P Unanimous
KPFT ended with a deficit if $27,000 in addition to a $37,000 loan from the
SCA. These will be booked as loans to KPFT. Garland Ganter has developed a bare
bones budget and may need to make more cuts. He will keep a tight rein on
spending. Staffing is at 5 full time and another at full time for six months.
Garland is carefully optimistic that the station can turn trends around. It has
a new development director and will be working on it's listener support.
Garland hopes KPFT can be self-sufficient in 3 years and raise $20,000 more in
the next year.
MOTION: To approve KPFT budget as presented.
M/S/P Unanimous
Garland thanked the board and the Finance Committee for the SCA subsidy
The Committee recommended the approval of the budget. They have concern about
how to build revenue for this. The first plan was to bring in grants from
national funders, but this did not work. National Programs still needs the SCA
subsidy of 150,000. Gail Christian is not clear how to offset it if it is
removed. The dilemma is how to build listener support for the unit. The
affiliates are at their limit. National Programs does not have her full
attention. Staff costs have gone up and this is not a padded budget. The
Committee feels very strongly that National Programs is important and will help
to build the network.
MOTION: To approve the National Program budget as presented.
M/S/P Unanimous
The Archive has a very lean budget. If Pamela Burton has to make cuts she would
have to cut staff. She is hopeful about increasing income--there is sales
potential. The committee wants assurance that Gail and Pam talk together about
marketing tapes.
MOTION: To approve the Archive budget as presented
M/S/P Unanimous
The Archive will apply for $200,000 from National Endowment for the Humanities
grant. They are working on marketing a John Coltrane interview to Rhino Records
and are laying the groundwork for more of these kind projects right now. Gail
Christian suggested that the National Office have a feasibility study done to
determine the archive's real financial potential.
Pamela is concerned about tape copyright. People need to be more careful about
what they think the Archive can sell. The Archive is more conservative than
local units. Pamela would like to develop and standardize the process and
policies related to tape sales and tape premiums for all units in Pacifica.
Sandra Rosas is very concerned about not being able to balance the budget. The
National Office would have ended in a deficit if not for a couple of windfalls.
It still has a $75,000 deficit. This is because of a board decision to create
the Deputy Director position. Sandra is budgeting this to begin once a new
Executive Director is hired. She has raised the Executive Director's salary
level. Other increases include staff raises and some new board expenses. Dick
Bunce has proposed based on other non- profits practice that the National
Office should be funded at 10% of the entire organization's revenue. The
Finance Committee met in executive session to discuss this issue. They support
having strong national office and need a National Affairs/Deputy Director. They
think this should be a priority. The Committee recommends approving the budget
with the deficit made up from reserves. The Finance Committee will look at how
to fund the office in the coming year.
Sandra Rosas reported that unless some changes are made, the Board should
expect the National Office to come back next year with a deficit budget of
$130,000. There is no way that Pacifica can keep going back to the reserve to
fund the National Office. The solution is to build more income. She told the
board that whenever a decision is made like this it effects the organization 5
years from now. Can't look at this decision in a vacuum. She is concerned about
using SCA and reserves--to fund the National Office or other units.
MOTION: To approve the National Office Budget as presented.
M/S/P Unanimous
Pacifica needs a new treasurer. Sandra Rosas and Pat Scott will write up a
Treasurer job description.
Janis Hazel suggested that the at large recruitment process be used to find a
Sandra does not want to create an investment committee. The oversight of
investments is the duty of the Finance Committee. Mike Kryckler will do a
review of investments next spring. The investment brokers will be asked to do a
report on how well they think they've done. In any case there is not money to
Audience enhancement award budget adjustments will go through the normal
process and will come to the Finance Committee for final approval.
At some units paid or unpaid staff on local board are serving as voting members
of local Finance Committees. The National Finance Committee considers this a
conflict of interest. Staff should not be voting on the budget or financial
matters. They may attend Finance meetings.
MOTION: That paid and unpaid staff may serve on local Finance Committees but
will be non-voting members.
M/S/P Yes 11 No 0 Abstain 1
Local Advisory Boards will be informed to the Boards decision
The Committee will be discussing creating reserve lines for the next budget
year. They may require that each unit budget include a 1% set aside next year
fro an equipment replacement fund. The following year the set aside would be
1.5%, the year after 2%. They recommend that each unit budget 1% for a
severance pay pot. Since no unit has a budget line or plan to cover severance,
the committee wants to consider the whole question if how to reward people
after years of service.
Jack O'Dell wants to receive this recommendation and wants a document to be
presented on these reserves in January.
The Finance Committee and Personnel Committee need to talk together on this.
The Committee recommended that by December 1st a complete inventory of all
assets of the Foundation with serial numbers be sent to National Finance office
to Sandra Rosas. Everyone should keep a copy of the inventory and send the
master list to sandra. A master key or keys for each unit should be sent to
Mary Tilson this for insurance purposes. Sandra will write up the guidelines
and a form. This inventory will be updated every December 1st.
Every board chair needs to have master keys. One key should be with the Board
Chair and one with Mary Tilson in the National Office.
Next year the Committee wants the Chair of each finance committee to sign off
on the budget before it comes to Sandra Rosas.
The National Board agreed to the above.
MOTION: That the firm of Getz, Krycler and Jakubovits be authorized to do the
annual audit.
M/S/P Unanimous
Pat Scott gave the report.
There is a very serious facility problem at WPFW. The station lease expires in
1996. Rent costs $120,000 per year and WPFW is responsible for maintaining the
building. Gail Christian has been looking at redevelopment property. With a
construction loan and mortgage of 1 million dollars, WPFW's payments would be
less than currently paid. The other option is to renegotiate WPFW's current
lease--there are only 18 months left on this lease.
Pat Scott asked for permission to explore the option to obtain a new building.
The board gave the authority to look for an alternative building at WPFW.
The Administrative Council discussed a number of issues: The 800 number,
programming for National Programs and Haiti coverage in particular. The group
commended WBAI for its coverage of Haiti. Managers discussed their technical
needs since the analysis done by Ken Devine is out of date. KPFA is in good
shape and has plans to buy a KU dish.
WBAI is not able to get cable in the building. It needs to look for a new
facility. The on-air studio is in terrible condition and the station will raise
money for a new board and a new studio.
WPFW needs improved studio systems. It recently spent $9,000 on a signal
KPFK received a capital grant bequest and is rebuilding its transmitter--and
will put in a new antenna. These will be on line November 30th. This change
should save KPFK about $5000 a month in electricity costs. The station needs
new cassette machines. It just bought a logger at a very low cost. KPFK is
unable to do remote broadcasts.
KPFT is working on moving their transmitter. The current tower lease is up in
18 months. Garland will look into finding another consulting engineer to get
the specifications together. KPFT will be on a 900 foot tall tower. After
further studies are done, they may be at 1000 feet eventually. The rent is less
on this tower. The transmitter is in good shape, but there is no backup. The
tower move has been built into their Capital Campaign. A major problem for KPFT
continues to be studio maintenance.
The Archive will begin a project to rebuild space on KPFK's second floor on
December 1. The additional space will accommodate tapes and will bring the
space up to code. Two small offices will be included and the air- conditioning
will be enhanced.
There was no public comment. Members of KPFT staff introduced themselves to the
Pat Scott gave the report.
The staff and board has seen the results of the July retreat in the past couple
of days. Pat is happy that the board is taking a governance role in
programming. The retreat provided front work for this to happen. It enabled
board committees to work together--and gave everyone a sense of how decisions
made in committee affect every function of the organization.
Roger Scarborough gave the report.
Jack O'Dell asked the Committee to make its decisions carefully. Pat reminded
the committee members that while they were elected by the stations their duty
was to represent the best interest of the entire organization.
The committee reviewed the program plans. While the committee will approve SCA
fund for program development, it has no intent to be involved in the individual
program decisions of the stations.
The Committee approved the Pacifica Journalistic Standards document with some
changes (attachment 1)
MOTION: That the code of ethics practices be adopted as amended
M/S/P Unanimous
The SCA audience proposals were reviewed. The discussion concerned the process
and criteria about proposals. The committee realized that they did not ask for
the right thing from the Program Directors, but this work was not wasted in
fact it was an excellent springboard.
All stations are mandated to double their cume in three years. It will
increased by 25% within the first year after an audience building plan is
approved. Corresponding increases in listener support are also expected. The
progress of audience building plans will be an integral part of the annual
performance review of the General Manager.
The plan will include:
A. Identity and description of the station's target audience
B. Evaluation of how current program schedule serves the target audience
C. A sample schedule that would better serve the target audience.
November, 1994
Mandatory PD seminar to cover Pacifica orientation and ideas for development of
audience research/building plan.
January-March 1995
Focus groups to aid program directors in identifying target audience.
June Board Meeting
Audience building plans submitted to Program Standards and Policy Committee for
evaluation, revision and approval.
Funding:(From SCA audience building fund)
$630 Public Radio Program Director's Association membership for all Pacifica
$7000 Program Director Seminar
$10000 System wide focus groups
$2000 Independent program evaluations
The focus group persons will be asked to work with the stations as they develop
their plans.
The remainder of the money will go into a sequestered fund for audience
building proposals. Station plans prepared by June should indicate how stations
will increase their cume by 25%.
The $2000 is for to do extra evaluation besides Gail to evaluate programs and
to fund the duplication of tapes and mailing.
Pat Scott will need to do a budget for training for PD's.
The intent of all this work is just to get the process started.
Gail Christian says that Bill Thomas in tandem with station Program and
Development Directors can at least get a sense of what people think of the
stations in order to sit down and write a solid audience building plan. This is
a very tiny first step.
Valerie registered a complaint about the structure of the committee--the
representation on the committee and the process itself.
Cecilia indicated that the Committee will be discussing these issues in
January. Jack O'Dell wants the group to have one conference call between now
and the next meeting.
MOTION: That the plan put forth by the Committee be approved understanding that
the goals set and dollar amounts allocated are very preliminary figures that
will be researched and finally approved by the Executive Committee.
M/S/P Unanimous
Sandra Rosas must see a detailed budget for all these activities before they go
to the Executive Committee for approval. Pat Scott will prepare a report.
The meeting was adjourned.
Sunday, October 16, 1994
Jack O'Dell thanked KPFT for the reception for the board the previous night.
June Makela gave the report.
The final proposal put forth by the Committee is to approve the budget as it is
printed in the board booklet.
MOTION: That the budget for WBAI be approved as presented.
M/S/P Unanimous
This budget was put together by Sandra Rosas and Pat Scott. It is a hodgepodge
budget which covers unit deficits, KU band work over runs and retreat over
runs. This is a deficit budget of $26,000. There are plans to repay this by
On Ken Devine's contract, Pat says will that she will resolve availability with
Ken or she will put another engineer in that spot.
MOTION: That the SCA budget be approved.
M/S/P Unanimous
Janis Hazel gave the report.
Mary Tilson was thanked for putting the personnel documents in order.
The board made some changes in the proposed personnel policy--but mostly
recommended adoption as reported. (Final Document--Attachment 2)
MOTION: That the Personnel Policy with changes be adopted.
M/S/P Unanimous
Organization and Procedures
Section 7 needs some work--it needs to be standardized
There was considerable discussion on Section 10--hiring and firing of General
managers and who has the final authority to do this--the Executive Director or
the Executive Committee.
Jack O'Dell does not think that Pacifica is dominated by Committee. He said
that the Executive Director operates under the authority of the board and has
no authority that the board does not grant it. He does not want to turn over
complete authority to hire and fire to the Executive Director. Dick Bunce
suggested that the point of view in the National Office is that the Executive
Director needs the authority to hire and fire the staff. There needs to be a
clear line of authority. If General Managers can lobby the Executive Committee,
it allows that kind of manipulation.
June Makela said the power of the Executive Committee is to fire the Executive
Ambrose Lane suggested that Pacifica needs to have an Executive Director who
has full backing of the board. The Board must give authority to the Executive
Director and have confidence in her/him.
MOTION: That the language on page 190 of the board booklet--Firing of Unit and
General Managers on firing of all unit managers be adopted.
M/S/P Yes 9 No 0 Abstain 4
Moneim Fadali took exception to the language related to the Station Advisory
Board in the General Manager position language. He objected to the words
choose, manage and guide.
MOTION: That number 8 of the General Manager position description be amended to
read : The General Manager will work with the advisory board to insure that
national board policy is implemented.
M/S/F Yes 2 No 10 Abstain 0
Steve Ediger did not feel that the General Manager has the ability to manage
board professionals. He thinks it is more advantageous for the station board
and the general manager to work in tandem.
Pat Scott thinks General Manager must be in charge of the Local Advisory Board.
The advisory boards are in place to assist the work of the station. If the
general manager does not have the ability to manage the board then there is a
problem with that aspect of the GM's work.
The language in number 8 was changed to read: To choose, manage and guide the
work of the Station Advisory Board. (Clarifying the work of the Board) The work
of the Advisory Board is to insure that Board Policy is implemented; to assist
the manager in preparation of and oversight of stations plans and budgets; to
review proposals involving the station; and to do community needs assessment
and evaluate the overall performance of the station in integrating those needs
both on and off the air.
MOTION: That the General Manager's position description be approved with
changes as seen above.
M/S/P Yes 11 No 0 Abstain 1
MOTION: That the Board adopt the first three pages of supplemental Organization
and Procedure #10 with the deletion of the firing of Unit and General Managers.

M/S/P Yes 12 No 0 Abstain 0
The Administrative Council asked the Board to table the proposed language until
the winter meeting of the board.
MOTION: That the Administrative Council Position Description be approved, but
that the first mention of the Deputy Executive Director be kept in and the
second mention be deleted.
M/S/P Yes 9 No 2 Abstain 1
The Grievance Language was tabled until the winter meeting of the board.
MOTION: That the Organization and Procedure document be approved as amended.
M/S/P Unanimous
MOTION: To adopt the resolution on limits for probationary General Managers and
include the language in the General Manager Position description under Limits
of Authority.
M/S/P Yes 11 No 0 Abstain 2
Jack O'Dell thanked the Personnel Committee for their work. He asked them to
work on the grievance policy and grievance committee process, the Deputy
Director's voting status and to take a look at Pacifica's severance policy for
consideration at the next meeting of the National Board.
A conference call will take place on November 2. The Committee will discuss 12
to 15 people who have sent resumes. On November 14 the Committee will meet with
4-6 candidates. From these, candidates will be presented to the board.
MOTION: To approve the report of the committee
M/S/P Unanimous
Janis Hazel gave the report.
Pacifica was consistently attacked during the summer authorization. The program
discussed in Congress was KPFK's African Mental Liberation weekend which was
used as an example of "hate mongering." CPB was not reauthorized. Both Barbara
Boxer and Dianne Feinstein did not Co-sponsor the bill. The Texas senator did
not co-sponsor. On New York, Moynihan did sign on. The bill will be re-
introduced in the legislature in the next session. This plays into the
appropriation. Congress would like to change forward funding. In 1995 the
funding will need to be reauthorized. It is likely Pacifica will be targeted
again from a more conservative congress. Janis Hazel will send an action alert
reminding everyone to write to Congress. Other programs likely to be cut are
funding from the NTIA, and the postage subsidy may be phased out. Pat Scott
thinks the cut to public broadcasting will come. Appropriating committees now
have more power to deny funding each year. She is concerned because no one
stood up for public broadcasting on any of these committees. Pat pointed out
that PBS and CPB are being careful about what they fund. PBS would not fund
"Rights and Wrongs" and at the same time a series on George Wallace had no
problem getting funded.
Janis Hazel is very upset that NFCB did not alert Pacifica about the attack in
There is no money in the budget to cover lobbying. Pat wants a commitment from
NFCB them to do lobbying. John Crigler says he will pay attention to the bill
and report. Between John and Janis Pacifica should be able to get information
about what is needed.
David Horowits is threatening to sue Pam Burton's partner for writing a letter
to congress. Local stations should send program guides to their legislators.
Janis Hazel will provide a list to the National Office and to the stations.
Pat Scott gave the report.
The SCA budget reflects a simple budget for the phone lines. This is all that
can be purchased this year. The project will continue when SCA leases are sold
in New York.
Valerie Van Isler would like Ken Devine or someone to research the installation
of a small disk to downlink cable at WBAI.
The Committee met and approved the end of Marci Lockwood and Garland Ganter's
probation. They are now full fledged managers and Vice Chairs of the
The Committee tabled the motion on at-large members and sent it to the
nominations committee.
Roger Scarborough would like the board to schedule National meetings a year in
The next meeting will take place in Berkeley--February 10-12, 1995--the
Administrative Council will meet February 9. One of the major activities in
this meeting will be to interview candidates.
The spring meeting will take place in Los Angeles June 1-4
The meeting was adjourned.