Pacifica National Board
Finance Committee August 2, 2005
The adjourned meeting of July 29, 2005 was called to order at 2:15 p.m. pacific
standard time by Marnie Tattersall, Chair Pro Tem.
Present: Dave Adelson, Teresa Allen, Baruti Bediako, Jane Gatewood, Patty
Heffley, Casey McFall, Mark Roberts, Marnie Tattersall, Sandy Weinmann, LaVarn
Williams, Lonnie Hicks.
Guests: Ambrose Lane, iED;
Proposed Agenda
1. Roll Call and Approval of Agenda
2. Approval of minutes
3. Continue report back from working group on immediate financial needs
4. FY 06 Budget Process/Status/Guidelines/Due Dates
5. Directors Inspection Update
6. Discuss status of working groups and schedule
7. Schedule next meeting
8. Adjourn
1. Approval of Agenda
Agenda approved without objection.
2. Approval of Minutes
Motion by Gatewood to approve minutes for July 15, July 21, and July 29 2005.
The following amendments to the minutes were made:
July 15, 2005
1. Indicate that no action was taken on the Weinmann motion regarding a
National Day of Fundraising.
2. Indicate Ambrose Lane's attendance as a guest.
July 21, 2005
1. Indicate Ambrose Lane's attendance as a guest.
July 29, 2005
1. Indicate the attendance of Ambrose Lane and Roy Campanella as guests.
2. In approval of agenda, add motion by Hicks to move item #4 to item #6,
and the motion's failure.
3. Indicate that the Chairing of the next meeting by Marnie Tattersall
was as a result of a motion by David Adelson, which passed without objection.
Minutes for all three meetings were approved as amended without objection.
3. Continuation of report back from working group on immediate financial needs
CFO Lonnie Hicks continued his report from the last meeting and presented
options for responding to current fiscal issues.
Motion by Gatewood that the NFC endorses the working group proposal for
synchronized October fund drives which shall include 2 - 3 days of national
fundraising, and a December fund drive for capital needs. All station General
Managers shall be included in work group discussions.
Adelson - Yes
Allen - Yes
Bediako - Yes
Gatewood - Yes
Heffley - No
McFall - No
Roberts - Yes
Tattersall - Yes
Weinmann - Yes
Williams - No
Hicks - Yes
Motion passes.
The working group will convene on Friday, August 5, 2005 at 1:00 pst.
Motion by Williams that the NFC convene a working group to develop a policy
regarding inter-unit transfers to deal with urgent cash flow issues around the
network and report back to the NFC within 10 working days.
Passed with no objection
LaVarn Williams will convene the workgroup meeting on Thursday, August 4, 2005
at 5:30 p.m. pst. Workgroup members will include Baruti Bediako, Patty
Heffley, Casey McFall, LaVarn Williams, and Lonnie Hicks.
4. FY 06 Budget Process/Status/Guidelines/Due Dates
Motion by Adelson that the CFO and the National Office may make recommendations
to the PNB and the LSBs regarding budgets, but do not have authority to make
changes to the budget without Board approval.
Motion by Hicks to table.
Adelson - No
Allen - No
Bediako - Abstain
Heffley - No
McFall - No
Tattersall - Yes
Williams - No
Hicks - Yes
Motion failed
Motion by Adelson to table.
Passed with no objection.
5. Next meeting August 16, 2005 at 4:00 p.m. pacific standard time.
Motion by Hicks to adjourn.
No objection
The meeting adjourned at 5:25 p.m. pst.
Respectfully Submitted,
Casey McFall
These minutes were approved on 12/10/2007.