Pacifica National Board
Finance Committee Meeting
November 17, 2005

The meeting was called to order at 3:20 p.m. pacific standard time by David
Adelson, Chair.

Present: David Adelson, Teresa Allen, Baruti Bediako,Patty Heffley, Lonnie
Hicks, Casey McFall, Marnie Tattersall, Sandy Weinmann , LaVarn Williams

Absent: Jane Gatewood, Mark Roberts

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Heffley to approve agenda
Amended to add 10 minutes to CFO report, add 10 minutes to Old Business, reduce
New Business to 10 minutes.

Approved without objection

Scheduling of Next Meeting
The next committee meeting was scheduled for Thursday, December 1, 2005 5:00
p.m. pacific time, 8:00 p.m. eastern time

Approval of Minutes
Approval of minutes was postponed until the next meeting

Spanish Language Programming
Casey McFall and Lonnie Hicks will coordinate with Ambrose Lane and Rob
Robinson regarding Spanish Language Programming plans and budget needs.

Free Speech Radio News
Dave Adelson will have the FSRN negotiating team discuss the contract further
and report back to the NFC for further discussion in Executive Session.

CFO Report
Retirement of legal debt will be discussed at next meeting in Executive

A draft of the budget calendar will be forwarded to the committee for
discussion at the December 1, 2005 meeting.

A General Ledger Software Workgroup was formed. Members include Baruti Bediako,
LaVarn Williams, and Lonnie Hicks. Baruti will convene the group.

Discussion of financial statements was postponed to the next meeting.

Old Business
The following motion, passed by the KPFK LSB, and presented to the NFC in March
2005 was discussed:
Resolved that the KPFK LSB supports development by the PNB Finance Committee of
policies mandating that:
1) "Bill-backs" from the Pacifica National Office to Pacifica
operating units shall include detailed descriptions of costs and
supporting documentation including, but not limited to receipts, invoices,
contracts, financial statements or other items as appropriate;

2) That the National Office shall send to each LSB Finance Committee
by April 15, 2005 copies of any CPB funding award letters and other
station-specific grant notifications related to fiscal years 2004 through
2006 currently in its possession, and shall send copies of such
notifications received in the future to each corresponding LSB Finance
Committee within two weeks of receipt;

3) That the National Office shall assist local stations in obtaining
credit cards as soon as possible, secured if necessary, so that the
station managers and foundation officers need not use their personal
credit for foundation business;

4) That the NFC work with the National Office to restructure 2005-06
budgets for increased transparency, more workability and greater
correspondence in line items to information in other reports;

5) That the National Office should be operated in accordance to the
budget approved by the PNB; and

6) That the NFC develop a process to be approved by the PNB regarding
the accounting, release, and use of "surplus" funds raised by stations in
excess of goals.

Committee discussion indicated that most issues in the resolution were being
addressed. The KPFK LSB will be advised as to the current status related to the
Motion by Tattersall that the National Finance Committee support the following
motion presented to the Pacifica National Board, and that that support be
communicated to the PNB prior to their next scheduled regular meeting:
Whereas, the Pacifica Foundation is one of the last bastions of free
speech and that the first purpose of the Pacifica Foundation as stated in
the bylaws is as follows:
To establish a Foundation organized and operated exclusively for
educational purposes no part of the net earnings of which inures to the
benefit of any member of the Foundation.
We resolve that all on air appeals to the community and listeners for
funds by individuals or groups shall be voluntary and/or part of normal
Pacifica job responsibilities whether paid or unpaid staff, volunteers, or
board members. The Pacifica Foundation shall practice what is written in
the bylaws and shall not allow members to benefit or inure from earnings
of the Foundation and that the practice of "paying to pitch" or exchanging
cash or other assets that may include airtime, premiums, or equipment is a
violation of the bylaws of the Foundation.
Passed with no objections

New Business
Motion by Tattersall that all General Manager expense reimbursements must first
be submitted via expense reports with receipts attached for approval to the
E.D. (or CFO - in the E.D.'s absence) - BEFORE these General Manger expenses
are reimbursed.

Motion by Tattersall that the role and authority of the CFO includes a dotted
line reporting relationship from the station Business Managers to the CFO.

The two motions above were postponed until the next meeting and shall be
handled at the beginning of the meeting.

Motion by Hicks to adjourn
No objection

The meeting was adjourned at 6:29 pacific standard time.

These minutes were approved on 12/29/05.