09-01-11 PNB Development Taskforce Minutes


I.Call to Order & Roll Call

II.Agenda approval

III.Report on conversation with ED: Heather Gray

IV.Cmte. on fundraising


09-01-11 PNB Development Taskforce Minutes

I.Mtg. called to order at 8:16pm. Present: Summer Reese, Jessica Apolinar,
Teresa Allen, Campbell Johnson, Heather Gray; Excused: Robert Mark

II.Agenda approval: Approved without objection.

III.Report on conversation with ED: Heather Gray- Suggests providing info.
consistently to the Press outside of radio circles-major press, grassroots
press & many other circles; we have not done any promotion of Pacifica, so it
would be helpful to build the Pacifica reputation, collaborate on something
(like with Denise Zeck of American Forum) & consider the promotional aspects of
whatever we do. Systematic press covering the Network can give a sense of the

Summer Reese discussed the positive buzz & Pacifica Network coverage (from
California) of the hurricane situation in NY. Anticipates that National Office
will make sure that GM's now have plans for emergency deployment & coverage.
We see this as a service to listeners and lends to cohesion of the Pacifica

IV.Fundraising Subcommittee: Teresa Allen, Campbell Johnson, Heather Gray &
Summer Reese (if possible). Subcommittee will attempt to meet at 4pm EST on
Thursday, Sept. 8th.

V.Confirmed next Development teleconference meeting at 8:30pm EST on Thursday,
Oct. 6th.

VI.Meeting adjourned at 9:15pm EST.

Respectfully submitted,

Teresa J. Allen

01-10-12; approved 12-5-11