Pacifica National Board -New York Meeting
Nov 5, 2010
[The Open meeting begins 8:30 PM ET]

Open Session AGENDA

I. Call to Order and Opening Business. PNB Chair George Reiter.

a. Roll Call / Establish Quorum. Recording Secretary Richard Uzzell.
Establish excused absences and timekeeper.
(3 Min.)

For Attendance. X Present; Ab Absent; Exc Excused Absence; AL Arrived
KPFA - Berk., Ca.: KPFK - L.A., Ca.:
KPFT - Houston, Tx.: WBAI - N.Y., N.Y.:
Shahram Aghamir Shawn O'Brien
Bill Crosier Nia Bediako
Tracy Rosenberg Leslie Radford
Alberto Luera Kathy Davis
Andrea Turner Summer Reese
George Reiter Jennifer Jaeger
Joseph Wanzala Ricco Ross
Richard Uzzell Alex Steinberg

Alonso Brown Jim Bennett Arlene
Engelhardt, ED
Campbell Johnson Efia Nwangaza LaVarn
Williams, CFO
Kimory Orendoff Ricardo deAnda, Int. Gen. Counsel
Marcel Reid
Ia Agenda approval
Ib. Approval of Minutes (2
Ic. Acknowledgements (5 min)
II. Chairs Report (2 min)
III. Consent Agenda
IV. Committee Reports
Coordinating Committee-Rosenberg (5 min)
Committee to Investigate Allegations of Racism, Sexism and Other Forms of
In order for disabled LSB members or committee members to participate
fully in board related activities, resources shall be made available to
support their participation, in the event that they should encounter
hardships that impede their normal mode of transportation to and from
meetings, and/or that impacts their ability to participate in such
meetings. Such resources may include but are not limited to gas
reimbursement, or other transportation costs, listening devices, portable
ramp or other specialized supplies. These resources shall be covered by
the Board Expense line item. This committee also urges all of the Pacifca
stations and affiliates to work closely with the ADA to bring all of
their facilities into compliance with the ADA guidelines and to hold
meetings and activities in areas that are wheelchair accessible.
(10 min)

Elections Committee-Crosier (30 min)
Finance Committee-Reese (30 min)
V. Unfinished Business

a. Discussion of criterion for membership
(45 min)

b. Motion on harassment of staff-Reiter
(20 min)
It is the policy of the PNB that no member of the PNB shall criticize
publicly, or demean publicly in any way, members of the staff. Any
legitimate criticism of the work of staff members that a member feels
needs to be acted on is to be forwarded to the ED or the PNB for
resolution. Failure to abide by this policy will be interpreted as action
against the interests of Pacifica, and will be subject to the disciplinary
procedures provided for by the bylaws for such actions.
c. Motion re KPFK programming procedures-Ross (20
That the PNB in respect to KPFK's programing changes, "insist on
compliance with the by-laws and, accordingly, that the iPD desist from all
programming changes until a clearly defined and transparent process is
developed that includes respectful treatment of programmers and
responsiveness to the diverse needs of the listeners (demographic) and
communities (geographic) served by the station; and further that the
programming grid be returned to status quo ante until such time as this
process is developed."
c. Motion to amend "Recalcitrant LSB" motion-Crosier
(30 min)
VI. New Business
Motions in regard to KPFA Finances-Turner
#1- Pacifica Rent- Reduce KPFA's Central Service Assessment by one
percentage point to 18.5% in exchange for KPFA housing the Pacifica
National Office.
#2- Spread out repayment of the unpaid central services KPFA owes Pacifica
National from fiscal year 2009-2010 over the next three years - for a
savings of roughly 1.25 FTEs
#3- Suspend KPFA's payment to replenish the national Heath Endowment fund-
for the savings of roughly 0.5 FTEs
#4- Suspend all in-person meetings of the Pacifica National Board, and
return 1/5 of the savings to each of teh Pacifica stations for a savings
of roughly 0.4 FTEs

VII. Adjourn
10:30 ET