Pacifica Foundation KPFT FM 90.1 Houston, Texas
KPFT Local Station Board (LSB)
Regular LSB Meeting March 17, 2010 7:00 p.m.
240 W. 18th Street Houston, Texas

CALL TO ORDER: Board Chair, Mary Dennis called meeting to order at 7:00p.m.
a. Roll Call: Richard Uzzell call the roll as Secretary, Lee Greenwood-
Rollins in-route. Quorum established
Box Legend: Attendance X Present; Ab Absent; Exc Excused Absence; Al
Present Arrived Late
|Listener Delegates| | |Staff Delegates |
|X Wesley |X DeWayne Lark |X David |X Jessica |
|Bethune | |Salerno |Apolinar |
|X Bill Crosier |X Alberto Luera | ~ Vacant ~ |X Staci |
| | | |Davis |
|X Mary Dennis |Exc Robert Mark |X C. Lee |X Rhonda Garner|
| | |Taylor | |
|X Melinda |X Susie Moreno |X Richard |X Liana |
|Iley-Dohn | |Uzzell |Lopez |
|X Nancy |AL Lee |X Ted |Exc Dr. George |
|Hentscel |Greenwood-Rollins |Weisgal |Reiter |
|X Mike Jones |X Nancy |X Michael |X Ron |
| |Saibaria-Naritomi |Young |Reynolds |

X Duane Bradley, General Manager (Ex Officio)
b. Agenda Approval: HNO Agenda approved
c. Minutes Approval: Minutes will presented for approval at next meeting
d. Treasurer's Report: Audio available at
KPFT Recognitions: Audio available at
LSB Vacancy Election:
a. Statements from Candidates: Each candidate will address LSB for 2 minutes.
(audio available at LSB Questions (30 seconds) Candidate Answers (60
List of Candidates for LSB Open Position:J ohn D. Marvin
Kevin White
Mark Hardigree
Colleen O'Brien
Eric Jarvis
Rosalia Guerrero-Luera
Mohammed Kabir
All candidates were present with the exception of Mohammed Kabir, who also did
not submit his bio as did the other candidates.
b. Vote and Seat new Members: Rosalia Guerrero-Luera received the vote and
was seated as such. (tabulations are entered into record) Colleen O'Brien, and
John D. Marvin are alternates for future vacancies.
Public Comment: Audio available at
Arlene Engelhardt, PNB Executive Director: Audio available at
Ms. Engelhardt address the group with valuable information from our sister
stations around the country, and granted a 30 minute Q & A session.
Motion: At the adjournment hour (9:45 p.m.), Ted Weisgal moved that the meeting
be extended to 10:30 p.m., to further take advantage of the valuable
and advice imparted to LSB by the visiting PNB, Executive Director. Motion
approved by a vote of 10 - 8.
Next Meeting: April 21, 2010, 7:00p.m. at Heights Presbyterian Church 240 W.
18th Street Houston, Texas.
Meeting Adjournment: DeWayne Lark moved to adjourn. HNO Chair adjourned at
Minutes Scribed and Prepared by: Lee Greenwood-Rollins, KPFT LSB Secretary.
Minutes Approved by: KPFT LSB _______________________

Witnessed by: Date: